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  • Event

    Free Fishing Weekend: Access Ability Wisconsin (Dane County)


    Under the guidance of Access Ability Wisconsin leaders, who are DNR-certified fishing instructors, learn the ins and outs of casting lines and reeling in catches tailored for individuals and families of all ages and abilities.

  • Event

    The Passenger Pigeon


    Join us for a talk on the natural history of the passenger pigeon and the series of events that led to its tragic extinction.

  • Event

    Aquatic Invasives


    Learn about the invasive species that plague Lake Winnebago and find out what you can do to help stop them.

  • Event

    Bumble Bee Brigade Training


    Join staff in learning about Wisconsin’s native bumble bee species.

  • Event

    Skulls And Skins


    Swing by the Ice Age Center any time during this program to see real animal skulls and pelts.

  • Event

    Batty For Nature


    Drop by the Ice Age Interpretive Center to learn about these fantastic creatures of the night, their unique adaptations and their important roles in the ecosystem!

  • Event

    Tricky Tracks


    Search for the clues animals leave to figure out who is at the park.

  • Event

    Great Blue Herons


    Drop by the Camp Interstate Shelter any time between 6 and 8 p.m. to learn about the largest heron in North America and their unique adaptations. Learn how to identify them by call and use binoculars to spot them as they fly into their nest colony!

  • Event

    Freshwater Critters


    Have you ever seen a creepy crawler floating around a lake or river? Then you have seen a macroinvertebrate! Stop by the beach house between to learn about these underappreciated creatures and have the chance to see them for yourself!

  • Event

    Spring Story Outdoor Exploratory


    Join us at the park for some fun and fictional outdoor exploration.

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