Events | Publications and Reports | Recreation | Fishing
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) invites the public to join DNR staff on Monday, March 3, either virtually or in person at the DNR's Green Bay Service Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin, for the eighth meeting in a nine-part series focused on fisheries management in northeast Wisconsin.
Construction | Environmental Protection | Endangered Resources
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposes to issue a permit for the incidental taking of a rare lizard and terrestrial invertebrates, which may result from the Q-100 FAA Radio Power Project in Monroe County.
Regulations | Safety | Fishing
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds ice anglers of the following deadlines to remove their permanent ice shanties, or those that aren’t removed daily, on inland and boundary waters.
Recreation | Regulations | Hunt
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was recently notified by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) that a farm-raised deer on a deer farm in Eau Claire County tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD). This positive result is within 10 miles of the border of both Clark and Jackson counties, resulting in a new baiting and feeding ban to go into effect in Clark County on March 1, 2025.
About/General | Recreation | Parks
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) invites the public to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Wisconsin State Park System by learning about its history of outdoor recreation, tourism and stewardship.