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Environmental Protection | Regulations

Incidental Take Notice For Sauk County

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposes to issue a permit for the incidental taking of a rare lizard, which may result from the Mirror Lake Dredging Project in Sauk County.  

Regulations | Fishing

DNR To Host Virtual Public Meeting On Proposed Wild Bait Harvest Rule Changes

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host a virtual public meeting to discuss proposed changes to the wild bait (minnow) harvest draft rule.

Recreation | Fishing

DNR To Host Fourth Public Meeting On Lake Michigan Lake Trout Population

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today reminds the public of the upcoming fourth public meeting of the Lake Michigan Lake Trout Commercial Harvest Stakeholder Group to present information and gather public feedback on the Lake Michigan lake trout population.

Public Health | PFAS

New PFAS Fish Consumption Advisory For Green Bay And Associated Tributaries

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Department of Health Services (DHS) today announced a new PFAS-based consumption advisory for the Bay of Green Bay and its tributaries.

Environmental Protection | Endangered Resources

Rare Parasitic Plant Rediscovered In Dunes Over Lake Michigan

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced that a population of a rare parasitic plant was rediscovered on the dunes overlooking Lake Michigan in Manitowoc County. A trained volunteer for the Rare Plant Monitoring Program spotted the clustered broomrape (Orobanche fasciculata), which has not been seen in over 44 years.