Contact: Colton Kelly, Lapham Peak Unit Park Manager or 262-646-3025
DNR Invites Public To Lapham Lodge Groundbreaking
Friends Of Lapham Peak Hosting Celebration Of New Gathering Place

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Friends of Lapham Peak Unit, Kettle Moraine State Forest, Inc. invite the public to join them on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at the Kettle Moraine State Forest – Lapham Peak Unit for the groundbreaking of Lapham Lodge.
Lapham Lodge, a planned new building at Lapham Peak’s most popular trailhead, will serve as a year-round, public gathering space. It will include a large open concept gathering area, restrooms, changing areas, lockers, a reservable space with basic kitchen amenities and an outdoor patio overlooking nearby trails.
The roughly 5,000-square-foot building with an additional outdoor patio will replace the functions of the existing 1,400-square-foot Evergreen Picnic Shelter. The new building will accommodate the property’s many special events and increasing visitation.
During the Lapham Lodge groundbreaking event, a presentation will be given at the Evergreen Picnic Shelter, followed by a ceremonial groundbreaking at the building site. Upon entry to the property, event attendees should advise the office attendant that they are there for the groundbreaking. Registration is not required.
“The Friends of Lapham Peak has a fantastic relationship with the DNR that goes back several decades,” said Steve Schmelzer, DNR Parks and Recreation Management Bureau Director. “The combination of monetary donations and operational volunteer support by the Friends has resulted in one of the most highly visited day-use properties within Wisconsin State Park properties.”
The Friends group has provided support to the Lapham Peak Unit since 1989. The group has written and received many grants to accomplish goals related to the property’s nature center, trails system, backpacking campsite, shelters and kiosks. In addition to providing the property with the infrastructure to make snow on a portion of the cross-country ski trails, the group also provided the park with a 2-mile long, ADA-accessible paved path, demonstrating the group’s commitment to supporting enhancements that can be enjoyed by all visitors.
The glaciated topography of the Lapham Peak Unit provides excellent opportunities for hiking, backpacking and cross-country skiing on lighted trails. There are more than 17 miles of loop trails in the forest that vary in difficulty. The property’s 45-foot observation tower sits atop the highest point in Waukesha County, overlooking southeastern Wisconsin.
Learn more about the Kettle Moraine State Forest – Lapham Peak Unit.
When: March 19, 2024
Where: Kettle Moraine State Forest – Lapham Peak Unit
W329 N846 County Road C, Delafield, WI 53018
Schedule Of Events:
- 9 to 9:30 a.m. – Light breakfast snacks, coffee and juice
- 9:30 a.m. – Presentation at the picnic shelter
- 10 a.m. – Groundbreaking at the building site