Contact: John Pohlman, DNR Property Planner or 608-264-6263
DNR Seeking Public Comments On Central Sand Hills Regional Master Plan
Submit Comments By Nov. 2

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking comments on the next phase of the Central Sand Hills Regional Master Plan process.
Among the more than 60 properties included in the plan are Devil’s Lake and Hartman Creek state parks, the MacKenzie Center, Mecan River, Caves Creek and Pine River fishery areas, White River Marsh, Grand River Marsh, Lawrence Creek wildlife areas, Lunch Creek Wetlands, Observatory Hill and Plainfield Tunnel Channel Lakes natural areas.
The DNR has developed a draft vision and goals for the properties along with management objectives for each property. For some properties, alternative approaches to reach the objectives have been developed. These draft plan elements are now available for review in the Central Sand Hills Draft Vision, Goals, Objectives and Management Alternatives document.
The department is seeking public comments on the document from now through Nov. 2, 2023. The document, and information on how to provide input, is available on the department’s Central Sand Hills Region webpage.
The department encourages the public to submit comments using the online public input form located on the project webpage. Additionally, two public open house meetings will be held in Prairie du Sac (Sept. 27) and Wautoma (Oct. 3).
Both meetings will run from 4 to 7 p.m., and department staff will give a presentation starting at 5:30 p.m. Staff will be available to answer questions and discuss this next phase of the planning process before and after the presentation.
Hard copies of the document are also available at the Devil’s Lake and Hartman Creek park offices and at the Baraboo, Portage and Wautoma public libraries.
Please submit questions or comments on the master plan by Nov. 2, 2023 to:
John Pohlman, DNR Property Planner
PO Box 7921 Madison, WI 53707 or 608-264-6263
What: Public meetings on the Central Sand Hills Regional Master Plan
When and Where:
4-7 p.m. Sept. 27
River Arts Center at the Sauk Prairie High School
105 Ninth St.
Prairie du Sac, WI
4-7 p.m. Oct. 3
Waushara WWII Veterans Memorial Building
440 W. Main St.
Wautoma, WI