Contact: Margaret Stadig, DNR Winnebago Fisheries Biologist or 920-410-8670
Upriver Lakes Sturgeon Spearing Application Deadline Is Aug. 1

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds sturgeon spearers wishing to apply for an Upriver Lakes spearing tag for the 2024 sturgeon spearing season to submit their applications by Aug. 1.
Spearers wishing to spear on the Upriver Lakes are required to apply for a tag due to the higher harvest rate associated with the Upriver Lakes. A total of 500 applicants will receive a tag to spear a sturgeon from lakes Poygan, Winneconne and Butte des Morts during the 2024 sturgeon spearing season. These spearing tags will be issued through a drawing where priority is given to applications with the most preference points. Spearers can also choose to purchase a preference point for future applications in lieu of applying for a tag this year.
If an applicant is selected to purchase an Upriver Lakes sturgeon spearing license, they will be notified by Oct. 1, 2023. Any license holder not selected during this drawing will be awarded a preference point towards future drawings.
Spearers can apply for an Upriver Lakes tag or purchase a preference point online through the Go Wild system or at any license sales location.
Unlike the Upriver Lakes, there are an unlimited number of sturgeon spearing licenses sold for the Lake Winnebago spear fishery. These licenses can be purchased until Oct. 31, 2023 through the Go Wild system or at any license sales location. Please note that spearers who receive an Upriver Lakes tag cannot purchase a license for Lake Winnebago.
License holders must be at least 12 years old or be turning 12 years old between Nov. 1, 2023 and the last day of the spearing season.