Contact: Phil Rynish, DNR Property Planning Section Manager or 608-977-0286
DNR And Legislative Trails Council Seeking Public Comment On Updated Trails Network Plan
Submit Comments Through Aug. 7

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), at the request of the Legislative Trails Caucus, is seeking public comment on a draft update to the state’s Trails Network Plan.
The updated plan features a new, more user-friendly format. As part of this release, the DNR is also requesting input from the public on how they use, or may use, the trail corridors identified.
Originally approved in 2002 and updated in 2003, the Wisconsin Trail Network Plan describes a vision of a statewide network of interconnected rail trails into which smaller state, county, municipal, partnership and private trails feed.
The Trails Network Plan update is an interactive web map that allows users to see the potential trail corridors identified in the 2002 Plan as well as those corridors that have been developed into state and local trails. As part of the public input period, the web map contains an input form that allows the public to share which developed trail corridors they presently use and which trail corridors they may be interested in using in the future.
The Trails Network Plan has been a valuable resource over the years as the department and its partners have worked to successfully preserve, manage and expand the Wisconsin outdoor trail system to benefit residents and visitors alike.
“The request from the Legislative Trails Caucus presented the perfect opportunity to reflect on all that Wisconsin has accomplished in implementing its Trails Network Plan and to share that progress with the public,” said Steve Schmelzer, DNR Parks and Recreation Management Bureau Director. “As we look forward to the next 20 years of trail corridor development, the DNR is excited to hear from the public about the corridors they use now and those they may use in the future.”
The public input period will remain open until Aug. 7, 2023. In addition to the public input form within the web map, the public may submit comments to:
Wisconsin DNR; Attn: Phil Rynish
LF/6; PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707-7921 or 608-977-0286
After the close of the public input period, the Wisconsin Trails Network Plan web map will remain on the DNR website for the public to follow the progress of the plan into the future.