Contact: Zach Lawson, DNR Fisheries Biologist or 715-492-5276
Catch The Fish Of A Lifetime; Northern Zone Musky Season Starts May 28

BARRON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced that the 2022 northern zone muskellunge (musky) season begins May 28, 2022 and runs through Dec. 31.
During the open season, anglers can catch musky on open waters within the northern muskellunge management zone. All regulations and license requirements apply.
“Despite the ice melting late into the year across the Northwoods, some of the best days of musky fishing are upon us,” said Zach Lawson, DNR fisheries biologist. “With many musky actively feeding post-spawn, our musky fisheries appear to be in good shape and will offer anglers fantastic opportunities for the opener.”
Proclaimed the official state fish in 1955, the muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) is one of Wisconsin's most unique trophies.
More musky world records have been landed in Wisconsin than anywhere else. The current state and world record is a tremendous 69-pound, 11-ounce musky taken from the Chippewa Flowage.
Anglers should note that there are new musky regulations for some lakes in the northern zone, including:
- Butternut Lake (Ashland/Price counties) – Minimum length limit of 40 inches and a daily bag limit of one
- Namekagon River from Trego Dam to the confluence with the St. Croix River (Burnett and Washburn counties) – Minimum length limit of 50 inches and a daily bag limit of one
- Presque Isle Chain (Vilas County) - Minimum length limit of 50 inches and a daily bag limit of one
A list of all recent regulation changes is available on the DNR’s website.
Fishing licenses can be purchased online through Go Wild, the DNR’s online license portal, or from an authorized license vendor. More information on licenses can be found on the DNR’s fishing license webpage. Anglers should consult the 2022-2023 Guide to Hook and Line Fishing Regulations for daily bag and size limits.
Learn more about trophy muskellunge waters and the elusive fish by visiting the DNR's musky webpage.