Help The DNR Plan For The Future Of 25 Wisconsin Watersheds
Public Invited To Comment On Water Quality Planning Reports

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is responsible for safeguarding clean waters. Still, the public is an active participant in helping identify protection and restoration priorities and implementing solutions. Now is the time to add your voice to Wisconsin's future watershed plans.
The DNR is soliciting public input on 25 new Clean Water Act Targeted Watershed Assessment (TWA) reports - a valuable tool for documenting the progress made in protecting waterbodies throughout the state and for announcing recommended next steps for each waterway.
"The DNR's Water Quality Program is responsible for monitoring Wisconsin waters and planning a cleaner, healthier future for the state's aquatic ecosystems," said Adrian Stocks, director of the Bureau of Water Quality. "These TWA reports reflect the year-round efforts undertaken by our team members to gather and assess data on stream water quality, habitat and aquatic life in order to protect our waterbodies and ensure their long-term viability. We are proud to present these reports to the public, and we ask that Wisconsinites statewide participate by reviewing the reports and providing comments and suggestions to the DNR."
How To Get Involved
Each of the TWA reports provides water quality priorities, recommendations and a list of detailed local plans and contacts related to protection or restoration of the watershed. The reports can be found on the DNR's Water Quality Plans & Reports webpage.
If you live or work in a watershed addressed in one of the reports, please consider reviewing the proposed information and provide your feedback via email to
Comments will be reviewed and incorporated into the plans before they are sent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as part of the state's Area-wide Water Quality Management Plan under the federal Clean Water Act.
Looking For Additional Ways To Get Involved In The Protection Of Your Local Waterbody?
- Become a volunteer stream monitor. Join hundreds of volunteers around Wisconsin who monitor the health of their local streams. Learn more:
- Join a watershed organization. You can find one in your area:
- Apply for a Surface Water Grant:
- You can also contact the water quality biologist listed on the TWA report for your area - they can direct you to participation opportunities at the state or local level.
Learn more about TWA reports and the planning process on the DNR website here.