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Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit


The Kettle Moraine Northern Unit is comprised of about 30,000 acres stretching 30 miles across Sheboygan, Fond du Lac and Washington Counties. The forest is managed for multiple use, including recreation management, sustainable forest products, water quality and soil protection, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife, native biological diversity and aesthetics.

  • Event

    Storytime: Pee-yew Skunk!


    What’s black and white and smelled all over? A skunk! Join us as we discover some cool truths about skunks.

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    Storytime: Trees of Many Colors


    Discover why our tall, tall trees lose their colorful leaves before winter comes.

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    Prairie Wildflower and Seed Collection


    Learn about prairie plants and collect seeds!

  • Event



    Meet the Kettle Moraine Northern Unit rangers and ask them what it's like working for the DNR and the Northern Unit.

  • Event

    Special Event: Campfire with Rangers and S’more Contest


    Meet the Kettle Moraine Northern Unit rangers and ask them what it's like working for the Department of Natural Resources and the Northern Unit.

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    Storytime: Chattering Chipmunks


    With cheeks filled with nuts, chipmunks are a comical sight. Uncover what these “chatterboxes” do with all those gathered nuts and seeds.

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    Summer Sun Celebration


    Celebrate the summer sun! Discover what work the sun can do for us, from cooking food to powering a car or flashlight.

  • Event

    Saturday Afternoon Nature Sleuths


    Get on those detective hats and join us every Saturday from June into early September as we solve and look for clues in the Wisconsin Explorer books.

  • Event

    Saturday Morning Nature Sleuths


    Get on those detective hats and join us every Saturday from June into early September as we solve and look for clues in the Wisconsin Explorer books.

  • Event

    Solving the Wisconsin Explorer Books


    Pull out your magnifying glasses and let us solve the mysteries that lie within our Wisconsin Explorer books.

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