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Learn to Hunt Wild Turkeys Series




No experience or equipment is necessary. Guns, ammunition and gear are provided. You will be required to complete a free online hunter safety course (if you don't already have hunter safety certification) and attend the virtual class and the field day in order to participate in the hunt.

The registration fee of $175 includes 1 1/2 hour-virtual class, six hours of in-person hands-on instruction, 1 night of lodging, dinner and a morning of guided hunting.

Email to request a link to the virtual class.

Scholarships are available for students 18 and older. Hosted by the Wisconsin Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Program.

Day 1 (March 6) at 5:30-7 p.m.: Virtual class. Learn about turkey biology, habitat, behavior, and history; safety, seasons and regulations; introduction to gear and guns; hunting for a place to hunt - maps, technology, asking for permission and public lands. We will be preparing for the field day.

Day 2 (March 30) from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. : Field Day at the Bill Cook's Izaak Walton League in Stevens Point. Review firearm safety, eye dominance, range rules; hands-on target shooting; ammunition basics; field dressing a bird and calling, scouting and preparing for the hunt. Chili and bread are provided for lunch, and BYO snacks and beverages (no alcohol allowed).

Day 3 (April 6) from 5:30-8 p.m.: Welcome and orientation at the Rosholt Lion's Camp. Dinner and lodging included. We will spend the evening planning our hunt, going over details and answering all of your questions.

Day 4 (April 7): First-time hunters will be paired with an experienced hunter who will offer guidance and support during an actual hunt for wild turkeys. The course is limited to 10 students who have never had the opportunity to hunt turkeys. Join us for a late afternoon social with wild game appetizers and storytelling after the hunt.



Phone: tel:+1-715-346-4681
