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Fly Fishing Demonstration



Warning! If you have never gone fly fishing before, these workshops may be life-changing! Retired Wisconsin State Park Naturalist John Carrier first picked up a fly rod in 1978 and has been hooked ever since. John builds and repairs rods, ties his flies, and fishes at every chance. A few years ago, he fished 300 days out of the year!

1. This program is rain or shine. We begin with a one-hour intro to equipment, followed by “ground school,” where you’ll learn the art of casting.

In the event of rain, we’ll substitute ground school with a hands-on workshop in tying flies.

2. The final segment will be a demonstration of actual fishing in Wildcat Creek, and your opportunity to borrow a rod and try it. If you have your own waders, bring ‘em.  If not, be prepared to get wet and cold! Wear a hat and polarized sunglasses if you have them.

Segment 1:
10 a.m. - noon: Lower Picnic Shelter

Segment 2:CTY HWY F Old Billings Creek Bridge on the Blue Horse Trail (turn North/left on CTY HWY F from ST HWY 33)