Habitat Helpers—Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon
The Friends of Havenwoods State Forest and DNR will be hosting events as part of the Southeast Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium’s annual Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon! During these events, volunteers will assist with removing garlic mustard and dame's rocket from various areas throughout Havenwoods State Forest. Collectively, the goal throughout the southeast region is to remove 20,000 pounds of invasives in the 12th year of this event.
Volunteers should wear closed-toe shoes, long pants and sunscreen/insect repellant and dress for the weather. If you have a pair of work gloves to use, great! If not, we’ll have some to borrow for the day, as well as knee pads to help save our joints, shovels and other necessary tools! Please bring your own water bottle (water bottle filling stations are available in the nature center).
For a list of all dates or to support the Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon team at Havenwoods, visit the Pull-A-Thon website.
Email: Angela.Vickio@wisconsin.gov