Women's Learn To Turkey Hunt, Central Wisconsin
Offered in partnership with Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, this is a multi-part course intended for women who have little or no experience hunting wild turkeys. All equipment, including firearms and ammunition, will be provided. There are no license or stamp requirements, and residents and nonresidents may register. You must be 18 years or older and have earned your hunter safety certificate.
Wednesday, March 26, 7 – 9 p.m. – Virtual Classroom – link sent upon registration.
Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. – Hands-on Field Day including target shooting, turkey calling and preparing for the hunt.
Location: Bill Cook Izaak Walton League, Stevens Point
Saturday, April 5, 5 – 8:30 p.m. – In-person classroom session.
Location: Wisconsin Lion's Club, Rosholt
Sunday, April 6, 5 –11 a.m. – Mentored Turkey Hunt followed by group field dressing lesson.
Location: Private and public lands in Wood, Portage and Marathon counties.
Visit the BOW website for a complete description and reservation information.
Interested participants with limited mobility are asked to contact the event organizer about accessibility options in advance of the event.