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Hearings and Meetings Archive

Below is an archive of hearings and meetings that have already occurred. A list of upcoming events is available on the department's Hearings and Meetings calendar.
Meetings between:
July 2023
Monday July 31

Regulations | Wetlands

Contested Case Hearing Regarding Coverage Granted to the Three Lakes School District under Wetland General Permit WDNR-GP04-2018 for Wetland Fill

Date: 07/31/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Oneida County Courthouse, 1 S. Oneida Ave.


Susan Burns, 608-266-3865


In July 2018 the DNR granted coverage to the School District under Wetland General Permit WDNR-GP04-2018. Permission was granted for the School District to impact .207 acres of wet meadow wetland to develop a shooting range located in the NE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 17, T. 38, R. 10E, Town of Sugar Camp, Oneida County. On Jan. 27, 2023, the Petitioners filed a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing with the DNR to review the decision to grant coverage under the general wetland permit pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§ 227.42 and 281.36.

By letter dated Feb. 16, 2023, the DNR granted the request for contested case hearing but limited the hearing to the following issue:
Whether the proposed project meets the eligibility criteria and conditions of WDNR-GP4-2018.

A prehearing conference was held on April 25, 2023 and a scheduling order was entered setting the contested case hearing commencing on July 31, 2023.

The issue(s) for hearing were clarified to identify the five eligibility criteria under the general permit that the Petitioners are contesting have not been met consistent with Wis. Stat. § 281.36(3g), including the following:
(a) Project discharge does not affect more than 10,000 square feet (0.23 acre) of wetland as part of a single and complete project;
(b) The proposed project cannot avoid wetland impacts;
(c) The proposed project minimizes wetland impacts to the greatest extent practicable;
(d) The discharge will cause only minimal adverse environmental effects; and
(e) The project will be constructed in a manner that will maintain wetland hydrology in the remaining wetland complex.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State of Wisconsin Division of Hearings and Appeals will hold a contested case hearing in the above captioned case, pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 281.36(3q), Wis. Stat. § 227.44, Wis. Stat. § 227.46, and Wis. Admin. Code § Chapter NR 2, from July 31, 2023 through Aug. 2, 2023, at the Oneida County Courthouse, 1 S. Oneida Avenue, Committee Room #2, 2nd Floor, in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.

Please note that, on Aug. 2, 2023, the contested case hearing will begin at 9 a.m., but will recess at 3 p.m. It is expected that testimony will be heard at the contested case hearing. The contested case hearing will be a Class 1 contested case, pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 227.01(3)(a). The procedures set forth in Wis. Stat. § 227.46(1) and Wis. Admin. Code § Chapter NR 2 will be followed and those procedures will closely resemble those which are normally followed at a trial in State Circuit Court.

Members of the public will be provided an opportunity to present comments at the outset of the hearing consistent with Wis. Admin. Code § NR 2.08(2). Time limits for submission of public comments may be imposed at the discretion of the administrative law judge.

Pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations will be made to any qualified individual upon request. Please call the Division of Hearings and Appeals at (608) 266-3865 with specific information on your request prior to the date of the scheduled prehearing or hearing.

Published on

2023-07-31T09:00:00 - 2023-07-31T10:00:00
Friday July 21

Regulations | Storm Water

Standards oversight council Team Meeting - DNR Dry Storm Water Basins

Date: 07/21/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


E. Dan Bekta, P.E., or 608-333-6579


This is a meeting of the team developing a DNR Technical Standard 1011 Vegetated Dry Detention Basins and 1012 Enhanced Dry Treatment System. The meeting agenda and other materials about this project are on the website.

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Published on

2023-07-21T09:00:00 - 2023-07-21T12:00:00
Friday July 14

Regulations | Groundwater

NR 140 rulemaking stakeholder (Zoom) meeting

Date: 07/14/2023

Time: 1:00 p.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Virtual


Bruce Rheineck,


This meeting will review information on proposed NR 140 groundwater quality standards for PFOA and PFOS and opportunity to provide input on the rule draft Economic Impact Analysis (EIA).

Join this meeting on Zoom.
Join by phone: 888-475-4499; Meeting ID: 867 9324 6709

Published on

2023-07-14T13:00:00 - 2023-07-14T14:00:00
Thursday July 13

Remediation and Redevelopment Program | Regulations | Environmental Contamination & Cleanup

Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group Meeting

Date: 07/13/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Jody Irland, or 608-982-1780


The DNR’s RR Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The DNR has a business need to receive constructive and practical input from and provide information to interested parties on a wide variety of regulatory and policy issues.

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites.

Visit the DNR RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe here for updates on future meetings.

Join on Zoom.

Join in-person:
DNR La Crosse Service Center
Room B-19 
3550 Mormon Coulee Rd
La Crosse, WI 54601

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wed., July 12, 2023.

Published on

2023-07-13T09:00:00 - 2023-07-13T12:00:00
Wednesday July 12

Regulations | Regulations

SOC Team Meeting - DNR 1013 Enhanced Settling and Phosphorus Removal

Date: 07/12/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Amy Minser, or 920-360-0913


This is a routine meeting of the work team developing the DNR Technical Standard 1013 for Enhanced Settling and Phosphorus Recovery. For the meeting agenda and details on this process, see the team website.

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Join in-person:
3911 Fish Hatchery Road
Glacier’s Edge Room
Fitchburg, WI

Published on

2023-07-12T09:00:00 - 2023-07-12T14:30:00
Monday July 10

Lake Michigan Commercial Fishing Board | Regulations | Fishing

Lake Michigan Commercial Fishing Board Meeting

Date: 07/10/2023

Time: 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Nick Legler, or 920-559-0767


This is a public meeting of the Lake Michigan Commercial Fishing Board.


1. Organizational Matters - Call to Order

2. Action Item - Approval of April 10, 2023 meeting minutes

3. Discussion Items – (public comments welcomed)

a) Results of whitefish TAC survey – Brad Eggold

b) Results of lake trout commercial harvest comments and a timeline

for moving forward with a decision – Justine Hasz / Brad Eggold

c) Cares Act promotion and expenditure – Brad Eggold

d) Progress on Commercial fishing web page – Brad Eggold

e) EFHRS survey – Justine Hasz / Brad Eggold

f) Latent mortality study updates – Nick Legler

g) Status of commercial/charter administrator position recruitment –

Nick Legler

h) Any other pertinent information – All

4. Additional Action Items

5. Old Business

6. Board Members’ Matters

7. Adjournment


Join this meeting on Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 825 2731 7134; Passcode: 343097

Published on

2023-07-10T17:30:00 - 2023-07-10T20:30:00
June 2023
Thursday June 29

Environmental Protection | Public Input

Public hearing on Public Sale of Lands from DNR to the Town of Brule

Date: 06/29/2023

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Douglas


Nicole Flamang, or 715-520-2037


This is a public hearing on the public sale of lands from the DNR to the town of Brule.

Join in-person:
Douglas County Courthouse 
1313 Belknap Street, Room 201
Superior, WI 54880 

Published on

2023-06-29T13:00:00 - 2023-06-29T14:00:00
Thursday June 29

Environmental Protection | Forest Management

Silviculture Guidance Team Meeting

Date: 06/29/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Andy Stoltman, or 715-628-0010


This is a meeting of the Silviculture Guidance Team.

View the agenda here.

Published on

2023-06-29T09:00:00 - 2023-06-29T10:00:00
Tuesday June 27

Off-Road Vehicle Council | Recreation | ATV

Off-Road Vehicle Advisory Meeting

Date: 06/27/2023

Time: 10:00 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Jillian Steffes, Jillian Steffes or 715-210-4911


This is a public meeting of the Off-Road Vehicle Council. The Off-Road Vehicle Council provides advice and makes recommendations to the DNR, the Department of Transportation, the Governor and the legislature on all matters relating to all-terrain vehicle trails and routes, and requests for funding.

The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and discuss other business. The agenda and other meeting materials are available on the ORV Council webpage.

Join the meeting on Zoom.
Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 815 1856 9863

Join in-person:
Wisconsin State Patrol Wausau Post
227301 Shrike Ave.
Wausau, WI


Published on

2023-06-27T10:00:00 - 2023-06-27T11:00:00
Monday June 26

Regulations | Outdoor Recreation

Snowmobile Recreation Council Meeting

Date: 06/26/2023

Time: 10:00 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Jillian Steffes, or 715-210-4911


The Snowmobile Recreation Council carries out studies and makes recommendations to the Legislature, Governor, Department of Natural Resources and Department of Transportation on all matters related to the snowmobiling program at DNR or otherwise affecting snowmobiles and snowmobiling in Wisconsin, and makes recommendations to the department of natural resources about funding grant applications.

The Infrastructure Committee will meet to discuss topics specific to their committee focus, including a preliminary review of grant applications submitted this year. The Zoom meeting link, agenda, and other meeting materials are available on the Snowmobile Recreation Council web page.

Join this meeting by Zoom.
Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 839 9621 3782

Join in-person:
DNR Office
107 Sutliff Ave.
Rhinelander, WI



Published on

2023-06-26T10:00:00 - 2023-06-26T11:00:00