Septage business license requirements
All septage businesses in the State of Wisconsin that service and/or dispose of septage (septic tanks, holding tanks, sanitary grease interceptors, portable restrooms, privies, etc.) shall be licensed pursuant to ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. Each vehicle used for servicing and transport of septage shall be inspected and properly registered pursuant to s. NR 113.06, Wis. Adm. Code. Every business shall comply with the septage disposal requirements specified under s. NR 113.07, Wis. Adm. Code.
Each septage business must designate an operator-in-charge (OIC). All individuals servicing septage shall be properly certified under the following designations: operator-in-training (OIT), certified septage vehicle operator, and/or master operator pursuant to ch. NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code. A certification exemption is allowed for portable restroom servicing assistants (PRSAs). Note: PRSAs must work under the direction of the OIC and are limited to only servicing portable restrooms and cannot landspread septage.
Septage businesses must comply with the following Wisconsin Administrative Codes:
For more information on septage operator requirements, please refer to the Septage Operator webpage.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Regulation. The US EPA also regulates the land application of domestic septage through 40 CFR 503. Nearly all of the federal requirements are included in ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code, making compliance easier for Wisconsin septage businesses. Primarily these include requirements such as pathogen control, vector attraction reduction, and nitrogen application limitations. Even though 40 CFR 503 regulates septage as a sewage sludge, septage is afforded many exemptions primarily for disposal. However, septage servicing and disposal require extensive daily logs, and land application activities require certified statements declaring disposal meets state and federal requirements.
Septage business lookup
The Environmental Licensing and Certification (ELC) database is a tool that can be used to search and identify active (licensed) septage businesses either by business name or business license number.
Septage Non-Commercial Operator Lookup
A farmer who disposes of septage on land owned or leased by a farmer may be exempt from ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm Code licensing requirements provided certain conditions are met (reference: sub. NR 113.05(4), Wis. Adm. Code, and s. 281.48(3)(d), Wis. Stats). Subsection NR 113.03(17), Wis. Adm. Code defines a farmer as a "person who owns or leases a contiguous parcel of land of 40 acres or more that the person is using for agricultural purposes." This web link contains a spreadsheet of approved non-commercial septage operators.
Note: Operator Certification staff are in-progress of updating this list. Please email to request a copy of the most recent version.
Septage Topics
Annual Report
All disposal activities (land application and disposal) must be recorded and reported per s. NR 113.11, Wis. Adm. Code. Common methods of disposal include, but are not limited to:
- land application of septage on department-approved fields; and
- disposal of septage to WPDES-permitted facilities or Wisconsin-licensed businesses that are approved to receive, mix, and/or treat septage.
Each business engaging in septage servicing shall submit and certify the following reports when the business land applies septage and/or uses other methods of septage disposal (per sub. NR 113.11(3), Wis. Adm. Code).
- Annual Land Application Report (form 3400-055 AKA 55 form).
- Other Method of Disposal or Distribution Report (form 3400-052 AKA 52 form).
IMPORTANT: Successful completion of the 55 form and 52 form include validation, submittal and certification by no later than Jan.31.
Annual Land Application Report (55 form)
The Annual Land Application Report (55 form) shall be submitted to the department electronically by January 31, following the calendar year in which land application occurs by those businesses that land apply (per par. NR 113.11(3)(a), Wis. Adm. Code).
The 55 form contains the following information:
- DNR number;
- Site/Field name;
- Landowner;
- Acres land applied;
- Outfall (septic tank, holding tank, grease interceptor, portable restroom);
- Amount of waste land applied (in gallons);
- Nitrogen supplied from waste (pounds/acre/crop year);
- Other sources of nitrogen (examples: manure, commercial fertilizer, legume carryover);
- Crop code;
- Nitrogen recommended for intended crop (pounds/acre/crop year); and
- Method of application (surface application, incorporation, or injection).
Effective 2012, all reporting changed to an online reporting system. The 55 form is submitted electronically via DNR Switchboard.
The department has identified common compliance issues associated with the form. Per sub. NR 113.11(3), Wis. Adm. Code a complete and accurate report must be submitted and certified by January 31, following the calendar year in which the land application of septage occurs (businesses that landspread septage). Please refer to the Annual Land Application Report Compliance Requirements handout for more details.
Other Methods of Disposal or Distribution Report (52 form)
The Other Method of Disposal or Distribution Report (52 form) shall be submitted to the department electronically by January 31, following the calendar year in which disposal of septage occurs (per par. NR 113.11(3)(b), Wis. Adm. Code).
The 52 form contains the following information:
- End use (haul waste to another WPDES permitted or Wisconsin licensed facility that can store or treat septage);
- DNR permit number or license number;
- Name of receiving entity;
- Total amount disposed (gallons); and
- Outfall (septic tank, holding tank, grease interceptor, portable restroom).
Effective 2012, all reporting changed to an online reporting system. The 52 form is submitted electronically via DNR Switchboard.
Electronic Reporting Instructions
The department has created helpful training documents to assist in using the online reporting system. It is recommended that businesses begin the data entry and submittal process for annual reports well before January 31 to ensure adequate time to complete all steps prior to the deadline.
Step 1: WAMS ID Registration
Step 2: Wastewater Switchboard Registration
Step 3: Electronic entry and reporting of 55 form and 52 form
Septage Servicing Vehicles
Every vehicle used for septage servicing and disposal must be registered with the department. Vehicles must be inspected and registered by the business that owns or uses the vehicle. This registration must occur prior to servicing, transporting, or disposal of septage.
Once the vehicle is approved, the department issues a sticker that is valid until business renewal time (see the Septage Business License Renewal section below). The sticker must be prominently displayed on the rear of the vehicle servicing tank per subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)1., Wis. Adm. Code.
Septage Vehicle Requirements
Vehicles used for servicing and transport of septage shall conform with the requirements of ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. General requirements for septage vehicles are specified under s. NR 113.06, Wis. Adm. Code, and include:
- License Sticker. A valid business license sticker must be prominently displayed on the rear of the vehicle servicing tank. Reference: subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)1., Wis. Adm. Code.
- License Number (Side of Vehicle). Each licensee shall display on at least one side of the septage vehicle the words "Wisconsin Sanitary Licensee" and immediately under those words "License No." with the number of its license. Letters and numbers must be at least 2 inches high, and lettering and numbering must be in distinct color contrast to its background. Reference: subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)2., Wis. Adm. Code.
- Tank Capacity (Lettering on Back of Vehicle). Each licensee shall display on each vehicle the capacity of the tank in gallons, in lettering and numbers at least 2 inches high in a color distinct from the background. The lettering and numbers must be readily visible on the rear of the vehicle. Note: If the vehicle carries a tank of clean rinse water, only the septage capacity must be listed. Reference: subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)3., Wis. Adm. Code.
- Tank Condition. Each tank shall be strong enough for all conditions of operation, leakproof, contain inertia baffles, and be designed to be kept tightly closed to prevent spillage or escape of odors while in transport or storage. Reference: par. NR 113.06(2)(g), Wis. Adm. Code.
- Pumps. Pumps shall be adequate for the required service. The installation shall be designed to prevent backflow or leakage. Connection shall be provided with caps or seals. Reference: par. NR 113.06(2)(h), Wis. Adm. Code.
- Discharge Valves. Discharge valves on tanks shall be watertight and capped when not in use. Reference: par. NR 113.06(2)(i), Wis. Adm. Code.
- Splash Plate (if Applicable). All servicing equipment used to surface apply septage shall have a splash plate or some other department approved method/device to facilitate uniform septage application. Reference: par. NR 113.06(2)(j), Wis. Adm. Code.
- Cab-Controlled Discharge Valve (if Applicable). All servicing equipment used for surface spreading of septage shall have a vehicle cab-controlled discharge value. Reference: par NR 113.06(2)(n), Wis. Adm. Code.
- Additional In-Cab Requirements. The vehicle cab shall have copies of the current ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code and spill and accident cleanup procedures (references: subds. NR 113.06(3)(c)1. and 2., Wis. Adm. Code)
The attached web link provides example lettering (side and back of vehicle) and sticker locations for vehicles that service septic tank, holding tank, and grease interceptor wastes.
Portable Restroom Vehicle Exemptions
Chapter NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code (register 2021) includes several exemptions for vehicles that solely service portable restroom waste. These exemptions are described in the Portable Restroom Businesses section. There are additional daily logbook and invoice record system exemptions for vehicles that solely service portable restroom waste. See the Portable Restroom Businesses section below for additional details.
Department Inspection Authority for Septage Vehicles
Any business engaged in servicing shall allow the vehicles and equipment used for septage servicing to be inspected upon department request. This inspection may be scheduled at any reasonable time and place, as designated by the department. Reference: sub. NR 113.06(1), Wis. Adm. Code.
Septage Business Vehicle Inspection (New Vehicle Registration)
Septage businesses must register all vehicles used for septage servicing with the department.
A vehicle inspection report must be completed for each vehicle the owner or operator intends to utilize under the proposed septage business license. This inspection demonstrates that the vehicle complies with s. NR 113.06, Wis. Adm. Code requirements. The applicant must complete the Wisconsin Septage Servicing Licensee Vehicle Inspection Report (form 3400-019 AKA 019 form) and include photographs of the vehicle. To efficiently process the vehicle inspection report, the department recommends that a certified master operator complete the vehicle inspection report to ensure the application is complete.
IMPORTANT: If the vehicle meets ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code requirements, the vehicle will be issued a business license sticker. This sticker must be properly displayed on the vehicle per subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)1., Wis. Adm. Code.
Septage Vehicle Utilized by Multiple Businesses
It is common for septage businesses to share one or more septage vehicles. Each business that uses a vehicle that is used by more than one septage business, whether under a single owner or separate owners, shall register the vehicle under each business's license and each business license number shall be displayed on the vehicle. Reference: subd. par. NR 113.06(2)(m)2m. Wis. Adm. Code.
Previously Owned Septage Vehicles
It is common for septage business to purchase vehicles from other Wisconsin licensed septage businesses. In these instances, the vehicle must be inspected and registered under the current septage business license.
IMPORTANT: The department recommends that the former septage business remove the business sticker and license number prior to selling the vehicle. A new business sticker will be issued by the department after review of the vehicle inspection report. The original owner should also remove the business license number (number lettered on at least one side of the vehicle).
Renting a Septage Vehicle
A septage vehicle may be rented out to a septage business as long as it is inspected and registered by the septage business. The registration process is similar to the new vehicle registration (see the Septage Business Vehicle Inspection (New Vehicle Registration) section above). The business license number must be on at least one side of the vehicle.
Replacement Stickers
If by unique circumstances, an approved septage vehicle needs a replacement sticker for the same licensing period (i.e., a sticker of the same color and expiration date), then the business may request a new sticker via email or mail.
The business should provide a written statement (letter or email) detailing what happened to the current sticker and which vehicle (year, model, license plate number) needs a replacement sticker. In addition, this notification must include an updated 3400-019 form (AKA 019 form). In the comments section of the 019 form please identify the need for a replacement sticker. Note: The 019 form requires photographs of the vehicle.
The above information can be emailed to or mailed to the below address:
Septage Certification - EA/7
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921
Operator-In-Charge (OIC)
A septage operator-in-charge or OIC is an individual that has been designated by the owner to be in direct, responsible charge of the septage business (reference: NR 114.153(5), Wis. Adm. Code). Only operators with the master operator certification may be designated as the OIC of a septage business.
A septage business owner must designate an OIC of the appropriate grade based upon the type of business and the method of septage disposal.
Designate Operator-In-Charge (OIC)
Each septage business must designate a certified master operator as the operator-in-charge (OIC) for the business per par. NR 113.05(1)(a) and sub. NR 114.18(1), Wis. Adm. Code. The OIC is the individual designated by the owner to be directly responsible for the operation of the septage business. The responsibilities of the OIC include, but are not limited to:
- serving as the primary contact for department staff;
- maintaining operator records, submitting operator-in-training (OIT) requests, and coordinating operator renewals;
- ensuring staff are properly trained to service and dispose of septage;
- inspecting and maintaining septage vehicles;
- drafting standard operating procedures (SOPs), spill plans and management plans;
- reviewing daily log and invoice records systems;
- overseeing land application practices; and
- Certifying Other Methods of Disposal or Distribution Reports and Annual Land Application Reports (forms 3400-052 and 3400-055, respectively).
The licensed septage business may only perform aspects corresponding to the OIC grade designation.
- A grade T master operator may conduct all aspects of septage servicing except land application of septage (reference par. NR 114.17(1)(a), Wis. Adm. Code).
- A grade L master operator may conduct all aspects of septage servicing including land application of septage (reference par. NR 114.17(1)(b), Wis. Adm. Code).
IMPORTANT: It is not a requirement that the business owner be a certified operator (or certified master operator). However, the business owner must designate a properly certified OIC (individual with an active master operator license grade T or grade L before a septage business license is issued.
For more information on septage master operator requirements, please refer to Septage Operator.
OIC Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the OIC include, but are not limited to, the following:
- submit and certify annual reports (52 form and 55 form reports);
- serve as the primary contact for DNR staff;
- maintain operator records and coordinate operator renewals;
- perform regular vehicle inspections;
- ensure operators are trained properly in accordance with disposal regulation;
- draft and regularly update standard operating procedures (SOP);
- draft and regularly update spill response plans;
- draft and regularly update management plans;
- oversee correct land application methods are being performed consistently;
- verify operators are trained in performing safe servicing operations, and
- ensure daily log book and invoice record systems are completed accurately.
Change in OIC
The business owner shall notify the department of any change of the designated OIC as soon as possible but no later than 15 days after the change (reference sub. NR 113.04(2), Wis. Adm. Code. The department requests providing notification via email ( or mail to the below address:
Septage Certification - EA/7
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921As part of this written notification, please indicate the septage business name, septage business license, number, full OIC name and OIC certification number, and start date of the new OIC.
Daily Log Book and Invoice Record Systems
Each business engaging in septage servicing shall maintain daily log book and invoice records systems pursuant to sub. NR 113.11(3), Wis. Adm. Code. Septage includes the scum, liquid, sludge, etc. from septic tanks, holding tanks, dosing chambers, grease interceptors, seepage beds, seepage pits, seepage trenches, distribution cells, other private onsite wastewater treatment system components, privies, and portable restrooms (reference: s. NR 113.03(55), Wis. Adm. Code). These records shall be made available to department representatives upon request (per par. NR 113.22(3)(c), Wis. Adm. Code).
IMPORTANT: Incomplete (non-compliant) daily log book and invoice records systems are the most common compliance issue identified with septage businesses. Septage businesses are encouraged to work with the DNR Regional Septage Coordinator to ensure these records meet ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm Code Requirements. Please see the DNR Septage Contacts section below for a list of regional septage coordinators.
Daily Log Book and Invoice Records Requirements
Daily log book and invoice record systems must comply with the requirements of NR 113.11(3)(c), Wis. Adm. Code. At a minimum, daily log book and invoice record systems must contain all of the following information (reference subd. NR 113.11(3)(c)3., Wis. Adm Code):
- Name, address and identifying description of service location. Note: If an address does not exist, alternative identifying information to record the location shall be provided;
- Date and time of servicing for each service location (Note: Date must include the calendar year. Time must include AM/PM);
- Type of system and description of all wastes pumped;
- Gallons collected. Note: The records for vehicles used solely for servicing portable restrooms shall record the total gallons collected at each service location;
- Disposal location;
- Date and time of disposal;
- Written certification by the designated OIC (if applicable);
- A description or SOP of how pathogen reduction requirements are met (if applicable); and
- A description or SOP of how vector attraction reduction requirements are met (if applicable).
Written Certification Statement. A written certification of the daily logbook or invoice record systems is required for all businesses that land apply septage (per subd. par. NR 113.11(3)(c)7.a., Wis. Adm. Code). For a business that does not land apply, a written certification is not required (per subd. par. NR 113.11(3)(c)7.b., Wis. Adm. Code).
In Cab Requirements. Daily log book and invoice record systems shall be kept in the vehicle for at least two days after servicing a system. Records are not required to be kept in the vehicle cab if the vehicle is used solely to service portable restrooms, the records are available at the business location, and the records are made available to the department upon request (per subd. NR 113.11(3)(c)2., Wis. Adm. Code).
Landspreading Record Requirements. When disposing at a land application site, specific site related information shall be kept in the vehicle cab pursuant to par. NR 113.06(3)(g), Wis. Adm. Code. Please see the Septage Land Application section below for more details.
Daily Log Book and Invoice Record System Forms. The department has created template daily log and invoice record systems for:
- Portable restroom servicing (form 3400-226 AKA 226 form),
- Land application (form 3400-227 AKA 227 form), and
- WPDES permit disposal such as discharge of septage to wastewater treatment facilities (form 34000-228 AKA 228 form).
Note: Septage businesses are allowed to create and use their own daily log and invoice record system formats provided these records meet ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code requirements.
Record Retention. All servicing records shall be kept on file and available for inspection for a period of 5 years per subd. NR 113.11(3)(c)6., Wis. Adm. Code.
Electronic Format for Daily Log Book and Invoice Record System. Daily log book and invoice record systems may be maintained in electronic format by the business, and shall meet the requirements of ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code (reference: subd. NR 113.11(3)(c)9., Wis. Adm. Code).
Portable Restroom Daily Log Book and Invoice Record Systems Exemptions
Chapter NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code (register 2021) includes several exemptions to daily log book and invoice record systems for vehicles that solely service portable restroom waste. These exemptions are described under the Portable Restroom Businesses section below.
Spill Plans and Management Plans
A spill plan is a written procedure for spill and accident cleanup to minimize the public health and environmental impacts due to an unintended release of septage. Septage businesses are required to develop a spill plan per NR 113.06(3)(c)2., Wis. Adm. Code. In many instances, the spill plan is included in the management plan.
Management plans are a collection of detailed procedures relating to storing, mixing, conveying, and land applying septage pursuant to ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. Management plans are required for septage storage facilities. See the Septage Storage section below for additional details.
Spill Plans
Septage businesses are required to develop a written procedure for spill and accident cleanup per NR 113.06(3)(c)2., Wis. Adm. Code. The spill plan must be kept in the vehicle cab and include all of the following information:
- Department emergency hotline contact information, including the DNR 24-hour spill hotline phone number (1-800-943-0003);
- Mutual aid or equivalent contact information for removing wastes due to an accident;
- Cleanup procedures for spills less than 50 gallons;
- Cleanup procedures for spills greater than 50 gallons;
- Example spill scenarios involving storage, transport, and land application;
- Contact names and information for individuals that will provide additional servicing vehicles and response services, and
- Procedures for rendering spills harmless.
IMPORTANT: The written spill plan must be kept in the cab of each vehicle pursuant to subd. NR 113.06(3)(c)2., Wis. Adm. Code. The equipment needed to clean up a spill shall be maintained on the vehicle at all times.
Management Plans
Management plans are a collection of detailed procedures relating to storing, mixing, conveying and land applying septage pursuant to ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. The management plan typically serves as a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the permittee's or licensee's employees to reference and implement. Department staff also utilize this document to ensure that the septage storage facility meets WPDES permit and/or ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code requirements.
The management plan includes information for:
- Influent volume tracking,
- Septage storage location(s), inspections, and maintenance,
- Type of septage conveyance (or transportation),
- Land application site identification (DNR approval forms and maps),
- Land application vehicles, equipment, and procedures (pathogen control, vector attraction reduction, odor and nuisance abatement, etc.),
- Alternative hydraulic application rates (pursuant to s. NR 113.09, Wis. Adm. Code),
- Contingency plans for adverse or inclement weather,
- Spill response procedures,
- Daily record keeping,
- Annual reporting requirements, and
- Any other pertinent information relating to the day-to-day operations of the storage facility.
IMPORTANT: Once the department approves the management plan, operations must conform with the approved management plan. Should the permittee or licensee wish to operate differently than specified in the approved management plan, the permittee/licensee may submit a modified written plan for department review and approval prior to implementing proposed modifications.
Septage Storage
Chapter NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code was revised and finalized in September 2021. Significant revisions were made to s. NR 113.12, Wis. Adm. Code (Septage Storage Facilities). The updated code impacts existing septage storage facilities as well as proposed septage storage facilities. The below sections outline the general requirements for various types of septage storage facilities.
IMPORTANT: Approval of new septage storage is a two-part process:
- Step 1: Plan and Specification Approval. This approval allows the applicant to build a new septage storage facility or convert an existing storage facility into a septage storage facility.
- Step 2: Operational Approval. This approval allows the applicant to store, mix, landspread, and/or dispose of septage from the septage storage facility. This approval may include the conveyance or issuance of a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit.
Existing Septage Storage Constructed Prior to October 1, 2021
Businesses with septage storage facilities constructed before October 1, 2021, are required to provide additional information (identified below) to the department pursuant to par. NR 113.12(3)(a), Wis. Adm. Code. This requirement applies to all septage storage facilities including:
- DNR-approved septage storage using tanks approved under Wisconsin Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) 384 with total capacity less than 50,000 gallons. These facilities typically don't require a DNR WPDES permit;
- DNR-approved septage storage using tanks approved under ch. NR 110, Wis. Adm. Code (not DSPS 384), and less than 50,000 gallons total capacity. These facilities may require a WPDES permit on a case-by-case basis;
- DNR-approved septage storage facilities with 50,000 to 550,000 gallons total capacity under ch. NR 110, Wis. Adm. Code. These facilities may require a WPDES permit on a case-by-case basis; and
- DNR-approved septage storage facilities with greater than 550,000 gallons total capacity under ch. NR 110, Wis. Adm. Code. These facilities are required to have a DNR WPDES permit.
Note: For clarification, this also includes any septage discharges into DNR approved manure storage facilities per par. NR 113.12(3)(g), Wis. Adm. Code.
By October 1, 2023, the owner or operator of a septage storage facility shall provide the following information pursuant to par. NR 113.12(3)(a), Wis. Adm. Code:
- A spill plan in conformance with NR 113.12(7)(a)2;
- A management plan in conformance with NR 113.12(7)(d); and
- If available, a copy of the construction inspection report in conformance with sub. NR 113.12(6). If this construction report is unavailable, the facility owner or operator shall provide an inspection report completed by a qualified inspector for each storage unit completed within the last 2 years.
Please contact your DNR Regional Septage Coordinator (see DNR Septage Contacts section below) if you have any follow-up questions regarding existing septage storage facilities. For a list of regional septage coordinators, please see the DNR Septage Contacts section below.
Septage Storage Facilities Constructed after October 1, 2021
Businesses with septage storage facilities constructed after October 1, 2021, shall adhere to the following requirements (pursuant to par. NR 113.12(3)(c), Wis. Adm. Code).
- Septage storage shall be designed and constructed to the requirements specified under ch. NR 110, Wis. Adm. Code unless exempted;
- Separation distances shall meet the requirements under sub. NR 113.12(4), Wis. Adm. Code;
- Plans and specifications shall be submitted to the department for review and approval; AND
Within 60 days after construction completion and prior to use, the owner or operator of the septage storage facility shall submit to the department:
- A spill plan in conformance with subd. NR 113.12(7)(a)2., Wis. Adm. Code;
- A management plan in conformance with par. NR 113.12(7)(d), Wis. Adm. Code.; AND
- If available, a copy of the construction inspection report in conformance with sub. NR 113.12(6), Wis. Adm. Code.
- Septage storage facilities greater than 550,000 total gallons must request a WPDES permit. Note: On a case-by-case-basis the department may require a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit pursuant to par. NR 113.12(1)(d), Wis., Adm. Code.
IMPORTANT: For proposed (new) septage storage facilities, businesses must submit the Septage Storage Facility Application (form 3400-137 AKA 137 form) including all applicable documents.
Plan and Specification Submittal Process
In accordance with sub. NR 113.12(4), Wis. Adm. Code, septage storage facilities shall meet the requirements of ch. NR 110, Wis. Adm. Code, unless exempted by the department (see the Exemption from CH. 110 New Septage Storage Facilities section below). Applicants should reference the Plan Review Procedures for Septage Storage Facilities plan review page for more details.
Exemption from Ch. NR 110 New Septage Storage Facilities
The department may issue exemptions from the design and submittal requirements of ch. NR 110, Wis. Adm. Code for a septage storage facility constructed after October 1, 2021 (reference par. NR 113.12(3)(d), Wis. Adm. Code).
An exemption may be granted if all the following requirements are met:
- The proposed septage storage facility added together with the existing storage unit(s) located on the same parcel possesses a maximum capacity of 50,000 gallons or less;
- The proposed septage storage facility includes only tanks approved under ch. SPS 384, Wis. Adm. Code;
- All storage tank installations comply with the applicable sections of the DPS holding tank component manual that is in effect at the time of installation and ch. SPS 384, Wis. Adm. Code;
An exemption application is submitted to the department including:
- A completed application (Septage Storage Facility Application form 3400-137 AKA 137 form) providing facts to adequately describe the facility;
- A septage storage plan index and cover sheet that is properly signed, dated, and labeled with page numbers;
- A copy of the DSPS tank approval letter;
- The DSPS approved tank plans and specifications;
- A set of plans and specifications that provide design and layout and clearly indicate existing and proposed tank locations, building, and building uses, driveways, property boundaries, wells, waterbodies, slopes, driveways, supplementary equipment, land use in the vicinity, and any other relevant information as deemed necessary by the department;
- A design report that includes plans and specifications for all septage storage facilities; and
- A statement from the owner that indicates the tank(s) is not a part of a private onsite water treatment system (POWTS) that discharges to the waters of the state.
WPDES Permit Requirements for Septage Storage Less Than or Equal To 550,000 Gallons
A Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit is typically not required for septage-only storage facilities when all the following occur (reference par. NR 113.12(5)(b), Wis. Adm. Code):
- The storage unit is owned and operated by a licensed septage business;
- When singly or when added together, the septage storage capacity is less than or equal to 550,000 gallons; and
- The storage facility submits plans and specifications to the department in conformance with sub. NR 113.12(3), Wis. Adm. Code.
IMPORTANT NOTE: On a case-by-case-basis the department may require a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit pursuant to par. NR 113.12(1)(d), Wis., Adm. Code.
WPDES Permit Requirements for Septage Storage Greater Than 550,000 Gallons
A WPDES permit is required for all septage storage facilities greater than 550,000 gallons total capacity. In these situations, the applicant must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for the Storage of Domestic Septage general permit.
Proposed Conversion of Existing Storage to Septage Only Storage
When the owner or operator of an existing non-septage storage facility proposes to convert the storage facility to a septage only storage, the storage facility shall follow the requirements specified under par. NR 113.12(3)(f), Wis. Adm Code.
Proposed Conversion of Manure Storage Facility to Storage Facility Mixing Septage with Manure
When the owner or operator of an existing manure storage facility proposes to accept septage into the manure storage facility, the requirements specified under par. NR 113.12(3)(g), Wis. Adm. Code shall apply.
Maintenance Inspections and Reporting
The owner or operator of the septage storage facility, or another person qualified to inspect the septage storage facility (designated by the owner or operator), shall inspect each storage facility as part of ongoing maintenance (reference: subd. NR 113.12(6)(c)1., Wis. Adm. Code). Each inspection shall include observations and records for the following:
- Evidence of tank leakage;
- Evidence of pipe or valve leakage;
- Missing equipment (including caps or plugs);
- Evidence of visible cracks or rusting that indicate potential future problems; and
- Disappearance of volumes of septage with the septage storage facility.
IMPORTANT: Maintenance inspections shall be conducted and recorded monthly (reference; subd. NR 113.12(6)(c)2., Wis. Adm. Code).
Transfer Ownership of Previously Approved Septage Storage Facilities
A septage only storage facility for which the department has issued written approval may continue in operation after the transfer of ownership and upon the new owner of the storage facility completing all of the requirements specified under par. NR 113.12(3)(b), Wis. Adm. Code.
Storage Abandonment
The abandonment of any septage storage facility must comply with par. NR 113.12(7)(g), Wis. Adm. Code. For these situations, please contact the appropriate DNR Regional Septage Coordinator. For a list of regional septage coordinators, please see the DNR Septage Contacts section below.
Spill Plans
Septage businesses are required to develop a written procedure for spill and accident cleanup per NR 113.06(3)(c)2., Wis. Adm. Code. The spill plan must also address spills from septage storage facilities. For more information on spill plans, please see the Spill Plans and Management Plans section above.
Management Plans
Management plans are a collection of detailed procedures relating to storing, mixing, conveying, and land applying septage pursuant to ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. The management plan typically serves as a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the permittee's or licensee's employees to reference and implement. This document is also utilized by department staff to ensure that the septage storage facility meets WPDES permit and/or ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code requirements. For more information on management plans, please see the Spill Plans and Management Plans section above.
Septage Land Application
The beneficial use of septage and its recycling to the land as a fertilizer or soil conditioner is encouraged. The department regulates the land application of septage per ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code in order to protect public health from unsanitary and unhealthful practices and conditions as well as protect surface waters and groundwaters of the state from contamination by septage. Reference: ss. NR 113.01 and 113.07, Wis. Adm. Code.
Land Application Site Request Submittal
A septage business shall only apply septage to land application sites that meet the requirements of ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code (reference: sub. NR 113.11(1), Wis. Adm. Code). Each business disposing of septage to a land application site shall, at least 7 days prior to using a land application site, submit a site request package to the department.
The permittee or licensed septage business must submit a complete Land Application Site Request (form 3400-053 AKA 53 form) with accompanying documents.
It is recommended that the site request package be scanned and submitted electronically via email to the appropriate DNR Regional Septage Coordinator. For a list of regional septage coordinators, please see the DNR Septage Contacts section below.
IMPORTANT: Incomplete site request packages may be rejected and returned. Applications submitted on modified or altered 53 forms will not be processed.
Department Review of Land Application Site Request
The department's review process considers several factors, including but not limited to:
- Landspreading method (surface application, injection, incorporation, etc.),
- Proximity to houses and wells, streams, wetlands, drainageways,
- Ability of the soil to hold and treat pollutants (permeability and available water holding capacity),
- Depth to restrictive layers (bedrock and groundwater),
- Slope and soil erodibility,
- Other relevant information necessary to protect public health and the environment.
Landspreading sites meeting ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code requirements are issued a Site Approval and Discharge Limits form (form 3400-122 AKA 122 form) and DNR approval maps.
Land Application Site Limitations
Any person who land applies septage shall comply with the minimum separate distances and soil restrictions specified under s. NR 113.07, Wis. Adm. Code.
The maximum weekly hydraulic loading rate (non-winter conditions) shall be limited by soil characteristics and application method. The maximum weekly hydraulic rate is limited 13,000 gallons per acre per week except that injection and incorporation on sites of 6 percent slope or less may be increased per sub. NR 113.09(5), Wis. Adm. Code. Septage s. NR 113.07 and Table 3. Wis Adm. Code Site Criteria Surface Incorporation/Injection Minimum depth to bedrock/groundwater-subd. NR 113.07(b)12. and Table 3 3 ft. 3 ft. Slope 0 to 12%-s. NR 113.07 Table 0-6% allowed 0-12% allowed Slopes >6 and >12%-s. NR 133.07 Table 3 >6% not allowed >12% not allowed Distance to walls: Community water supply or school-s.NR 113. 07 Table 3 1000 ft. 1000 ft. Other-s. NR 113 Tale 3 250 ft. 250 ft. Minimum distance to residence, business, or recreation area-s. NR 113 Table 3 500 ft. 200 ft. Minimum distance to residence, business with permission-s. NR 113 Table 3 250 ft. 100 ft. Minimum distance to rural schools and health care facilities-s. NR 113 Table 3 1000 ft. 1000 ft./500 ft. Minimum distance to property line-s. NR 113 Table 3 50 ft. 25 ft. Minimum distance to stream, lakes, ponds, wetlands or channelized waterways connected to a stream, lake, pond or wetland: Slope 0 to <6-s. NR 113.07 Table 3 200 ft. 150 ft./100 ft. Slope 6 to <12%-s NR 113.07 Table 3 Not Allowed 200 ft./150 ft. Minimum distance to grass waterways or dry run with 50-foot range grass strip: Slope 0 to <6-s. NR 113.07 Table 3 100 ft. 50 ft./25 ft. Slope 6 to <12%-s. NR 113.07 Table 3 Not Allowed 100 ft./50 ft. Soil permeability range (in/hr)-sub. NR 113,07(3) 0.2-6.0 0.2-6.0 Frozen or snow-covered ground special application rules: Slope 0 to 2%-sub. NR 113.07(1) Allowed Not applicable Slope >2%-sub. NR 113.07(1) Not Allowed Not applicable Application rate-sub. NR 113.07(1) <10,000 gal/acre Not applicable Min. distance to surface water, wetland or floodplain-sub. NR 113.07(1) 750 ft. Not applicable -
Site Information Required in Land Application Vehicles
When disposing at a land application site, all of the following site related information shall be kept in the vehicle cab pursuant to par. NR 113.06(3)(g), Wis. Adm. Code:
- A copy of the site request and related submittal information specified under sub. NR 113.11(1), Wis. Adm. Code;
- A copy of the site approval issued by the department (form 3400-122 AKA 122 form); and
- A copy of site approval maps issued by the department under sub. NR 113.11(1), Wis. Adm. Code.
Pathogen Control
Pathogen control is required by both 40 CFR 503 and ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. Pathogen control attempts to reduce pathogen densities in the septage. Proper liming practices and environmental influences such as sunlight and cold temperatures can limit the density of pathogens. Lime treatment includes raising the septage mixture to a temperature corrected pH of 12.0 SU at a temperature of 25 ºC and maintaining a pH of 12.0 SU for no less than 30 minutes.
Additional Site Restrictions. Septage businesses shall comply with the additional site restrictions (food crop, livestock grazing, turf, and public access) specified under par. NR 113.07(3)(d), Wis. Adm. Code.
pH Measurements. Septage businesses may use narrow range pH paper (example: 10.1 to 13.0 SU) to measure pH. To achieve accurate pH monitoring results, businesses should use 3 lots of narrow range pH paper or strips with 3 distinct log numbers.
Septage businesses may also use temperature correcting pH meters, provided these meters are routinely calibrated. The department has created a template Septage: Weekly pH Meter Calibration Log (form 3400-229 AKA 229 form).
Vector Attraction Reduction
There are three different methods of vector attraction reduction (VAR) allowed for septage (per subd. NR 113.07(3)(e)1., 2., and 3., Wis. Adm. Code). Two methods are barrier methods and include incorporation and injection (as defined under ss. NR 113.03(28) and (30), Wis. Adm. Code). One method requires further treatment of septage (treatment with alkali addition).
Incorporation. Septage must be incorporated into the soil to a depth of at least 4 inches within 6 hours after application to or placement on the land per sub. NR 113.03(28) and subd. NR 113.07(3)(e)2., Wis. Adm. Code. Date and time of incorporation must be included on the daily logbook and invoice record systems.
Injection. Septage must be injected (subsurface placement of septage) to a depth of 4 to 12 inches per sub. NR 113.03(30), Wis. Adm. Code.
Treatment with Alkali Addition (pH Measurements). The single VAR treatment includes lime or alkaline treatment to a temperature corrected pH of 12.0 SU at a temperature of 25ºC and maintained at a pH of 12.0 SU or no less than 30 minutes.
Septage businesses may use narrow range pH paper (example: 10.1 to 13.0 SU) to measure pH. To achieve accurate pH monitoring results, businesses should use 3 lots of narrow range pH paper or strips with 3 distinct log numbers. Septage businesses may also use temperature correcting pH meters, provided these meters are routinely calibrated. The department has created a template Septage: Weekly pH Meter Calibration Log (form 3400-229 AKA 229 form).
Nitrogen Application Rate
Septage may only be applied to agricultural lands and may not be applied at rates that will supply available nitrogen at amounts greater than the agronomic need for the crop (per par. NR 113.09(1)(b), Wis. Adm. Code).
Under the federal nitrogen hydraulic formula, approximately 2.5 pounds of nitrogen is available in 1,000 gallons of septage. Septage businesses may use the below formula to calculate the annual agronomic rate (reference: sub. NR 113.09(4), Wis. Adm. Code):
Annual Agronomic Rate (gallons/acre/year) = Pounds Nitrogen (Required Expect Crop) 0.0026 Other Sources of Nitrogen. Other sources of nitrogen, including manure and commercial fertilizer, must be tracked and reported on the Annual Land Application Report (from 3400-055 for 55 form).
Hydraulic Application Rates (Weekly & Yearly)
Weekly Hydraulic Application Rate. The maximum weekly hydraulic rate of septage application shall be limited by soil characteristics and application method. The maximum weekly hydraulic rate is limited to 13,000 gallons/acre/week (reference: NR 113.09(5), Wis. Adm. Code).
This weekly application rate may be increased if injection or incorporation is utilized on slopes of 6% or less. Alternative weekly application rates are based on the predominant soil map units present on the field:
- Fields with predominantly sandy loam, loam, and silt loam map units may be increased with department approval to 27,000 gallons/acre/week.
- Fields with predominantly clay loam map units may be increased with department approval to 20,000 gallons/acre/week.
IMPORTANT: Department approval is necessary for alternative hydraulic application rate limits. See sub. NR 113.09(5), Wis. Adm. Code for more details. Typically, the department requires a septage business to submit a management plan. See the Spill Plans and Management Plans section above for more details.
Yearly Hydraulic Application Rate (Low Use Fields). The yearly hydraulic application rate for low use fields depends on the type of septage land applied.
- Yearly application for sanitary grease is 12,900 gallons/acre/year.
- Yearly application rate for septic tank, holding tank, and grease interceptor waste is 39,000 gallons/acre/crop year.
Note: See Table 4 under s. NR 113.09, Wis. Adm. Code for more details.
Ponding, Runoff, And Litter
Land application vehicles shall be moving forward at all times while septage is being uniformly spread. Ponding of septage is prohibited per subd. NR 113.07(3)(b)6., Wis. Adm. Code. "Ponding" means the presence of free liquid over an area of 4 square feet or more, visible 2 hours after application of the septage. An example of a 4 square foot area would be an area 4 feet by 1 foot (reference: sub. NR 113.03(40), Wis. Adm. Code).
Septage shall be landspread in a manner to prevent surface runoff per subd. NR 113.07(3)(b)5., Wis. Adm. Code. Septage may not be landspread on saturated soils during rainfall events or in areas of ponded water.
All landspreading fields shall be left in a litter free condition. "Litter free" means the absence of nonbiodegradable material such as plastics or glass of 2 inches or greater in length on the soil surface (reference: sub. NR 113.03(33), Wis. Adm. Code).
High Use Fields
A "high use field" is approved by the department to receive more than 39,000 gallons per acre of septage per crop year and the volume applied is limited to the crop nutrient requirements (reference: sub. NR 113.03(24), Wis. Adm. Code).
An applicant must submit a morphological soil evaluation pursuant to NR 113.08(1)(b), Wis. Adm. Code. Morphological soil evaluation shall be conducted by a soil scientist per sub. NR 113.03(64m), Wis. Adm. Code
Once approved, the volume of septage landspread on a high use field may not exceed the nitrogen need of the crop to be grown (reference: sub. NR 113.09(2), Wis. Adm. Code).
Considerations for Septage Landspreading Equipment and Testing Standard Operating Procedures
Septage businesses must verify that septage landspreading practices comply with ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code requirements. Often Operators-in-Charge (OICs) develop written standard operating procedures (SOPs) that reflect:
- Current landspreading procedures (examples: splash plate, disc plow, and injector), and
- Septage testing procedures (example: septage pH measurements for alkali addition).
Written SOPs are helpful for operators to reference and implement. A clear and concise SOP can minimize compliance issues and demonstrate compliance with ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code.
The goal of this memo is to provide suggestions to OICs for the creation of landspreading SOPs. This document is separated into the three main categories of landspreading:
- Surface application (with alkali addition),
- Incorporation, and
- Injection.
Portable Restroom Businesses
This section covers information specific to businesses that solely service portable restrooms. Portables restrooms are defined as fixtures, incorporating holding tank facilities, designed to directly receive human excrement. Portable restrooms are self-contained units, may be designed for one or more person's use at a given time and are readily transportable (reference sub. NR 113.03(41), Wis. Adm. Code.
Portable Restroom Servicing Assistants (PRSAs)
Portable restroom servicing assistants or PRSAs are individuals who service portable restrooms under the supervision of an operator–in–charge (reference subd. NR 114.153(8), Wis. Adm. Code).
A PRSA may service portable restrooms, including the maintenance of portable restrooms and the transportation of the restrooms and the septage from them without being a certified operator (reference: sub. NR 114.16(3), Wis. Adm. Code). However, a PRSA may not land apply septage removed from portable restrooms.
A PRSA is considered to be working under the certificate of the designated operator–in–charge (or OIC). The OIC is responsible for their actions.
Portable Restroom Vehicle Exemptions
Chapter NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code was revised and finalized in September 2021. The revised ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code includes several exemptions for vehicles that solely service portable restroom waste. These exemptions are described below.
- Shutoff Valves for Suction Hoses. Suction hoses used for cleaning portable restrooms may alternatively be provided with two shutoff valves with one located at the tank and the other shutoff valve located on the wand end of the suction hose. The applicant must identify an alternative location and request approval by the department for that alternative location. Reference: par. NR 113.06(2)(k), Wis. Adm. Code.
- Alternative Sticker Location. If the placement of the sticker on the rear of the vehicle servicing tank prevents the sticker from being visible when transporting portable restrooms, then the business sticker may be applied to an alternative location on the vehicle approved by the department. Reference: subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)1., Wis. Adm. Code.
- Capacity (Gallon) Lettering. The capacity lettering requirement does not apply if the capacity of the vehicle tank is 1,000 gallons or less. Reference: subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)3., Wis. Adm. Code.
This PDF provides example lettering (side) and sticker locations for vehicles that solely service portable restrooms.
Portable Restroom Daily Logbook and Invoice Record Systems Exemptions
Chapter NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code (register 2021) includes several exemptions to daily logbook and invoice record systems for vehicles that solely service portable restroom waste. These exemptions are described below.
- Daily Log Book and Invoice Record Systems Location. Daily log book and invoice records are not required to be kept inside the vehicle if the records are available at the business location and the records are made available to the department upon request. Reference: subd. par. NR 113.11(3)(c)2.b., Wis. Adm. Code.
- Gallons Reported on Daily Log Book and Invoice Record Systems. Record the total gallons collected at each service location. Reference: Subd. par. NR 113.11(3)(c)3.d., Wis. Adm. Code.
Septage Business License Application
Per sub. NR 113.05(1), Wis. Adm. Code, every business, before engaging in septage servicing in this state, shall submit an application on forms prepared by the department. The application shall clearly identify the owner and legal entity applying for the septage license. The application shall designate an operator-in-charge (OIC) for the business in accordance with ch. NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code. The OIC shall possess a valid master operator certification for the duration of the business license period. License fees shall accompany each license application. To apply for a new septage business license, the applicant must complete the following items:
- Designate a certified master operator as the operator-in-charge;
- Submit a Septage Servicing New Business License Application (form 3400-020 AKA 020 form);
- Submit a Social Security Number/FEIN Collection Request (form 9400-568);
- Submit a Wisconsin Septage Servicing Licensee Vehicle Inspection Report (form 3400-019 AKA 019 form) for each vehicle the owner or operator intends to utilize under the proposed septage license; and
- Mail all above documents (including a check with appropriate fees) to:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Septage Certification - EA/7
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921IMPORTANT: All of the below steps must be completed prior to servicing septage. Failure to complete these steps prior to septage servicing may result in stepped enforcement pursuant to ss. NR 113.14 and NR 114.245, Wis. Adm. Codes. See the Septage Enforcement section below for additional information.
Designate Operator-in-Charge (OIC)
Each septage business must designate a certified master operator as the operator-in-charge (OIC) for the business per par. NR 113.05(1)(a) and sub. NR 114.18(1), Wis. Adm. Code. The OIC is the individual designated by the owner to be directly responsible for the operation of the septage business. The responsibilities of the OIC include, but are not limited to:
- Serving as the primary contact for department staff,
- Maintaining operator records, submitting operator-in-training (OIT) requests, and coordinating operator renewals,
- Ensuring staff are properly trained to service and dispose of septage,
- Inspecting and maintaining septage vehicles,
- Drafting standard operating procedures (SOPs), spill plans and management plans,
- Reviewing daily log and invoice records systems,
- Overseeing land application practices, and
- Certifying Other Methods of Disposal or Distribution Reports and Annual Land Application Reports (forms 3400-052 and 3400-055, respectively).
The licensed septage business may only perform aspects corresponding to the OIC grade designation.
- A grade T master operator may conduct all aspects of septage servicing except land application of septage (reference par. NR 114.17(1)(a), Wis. Adm. Code).
- A grade L master operator may conduct all aspects of septage servicing including land application of septage (reference par. NR 114.17(1)(b), Wis. Adm. Code).
IMPORTANT: It is not a requirement that the business owner be a certified operator (or certified master operator). However, the business owner must designate a properly certified OIC (individual with an active master operator license grade T or grade L before a septage business license is issued. For more information on septage master operator requirements, please refer to the Septage Operator webpage.
Complete Form 3400-020 (Septage Servicing New Business Application)
The business must submit a complete Septage Servicing New Business License Application (form 3400-020 AKA 020 form). This step must be completed before finalizing vehicle inspection reports (see below for more details).
IMPORTANT: Septage business applications are typically reviewed by the Septage Certification Program Coordinator. In some instances, an application may also be reviewed by the Regional Septage Coordinator. Septage business applications may take up to 30 days to process.
Complete Form 9400-054 (Social Security Number/Fein Collection Request)
The business must submit a complete Social Security Number/Federal Employment Identification Number (FEIN) Collection Request (form 9400-568). The purpose of collecting a FEIN number is to determine whether the license applicant is delinquent in court-ordered child or family support payments or delinquent in paying Wisconsin taxes under ss 49.857 and 73.0301, Wis. Stats (reference s. NR 114.195, Wis. Adm. Code).
Application Fees
The applicant must pay the appropriate application fees based on Wisconsin residency and number of intended septage servicing vehicles. Current fees are:
- $50 per Wisconsin vehicle,
- $100 per out-of-Wisconsin (nonresident) vehicle, and
- $100 groundwater fee for both Wisconsin resident and nonresident businesses.
Please include the appropriate fees (check made payable to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) when mailing this application to the department.
Complete Vehicle Inspection Report(s)
A vehicle inspection must be completed for each vehicle the owner or operator intends to utilize under the proposed septage business license. This inspection demonstrates that the vehicle complies with s. NR 113.06, Wis. Adm. Code.
The applicant must complete the Wisconsin Septage Servicing Licensee Vehicle Inspection Report (form 3400-019 AKA 019 form) and include photographs of the vehicle as specified on the 019 form. To efficiently process the vehicle inspection report, the department recommends that a certified master operator complete the vehicle inspection report to ensure the application is complete.
After receipt of the above information, the department will email the septage business applicant the business license number. This number must be displayed on at least one side of the vehicle per subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)2., Wis. Adm. Code. Once the vehicle lettering has been updated, the applicant must email photographs to the DNR Septage Certification Coordinator. This step is necessary to complete business registration.
IMPORTANT: If the vehicle meets ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code requirements, the vehicle will be issued a business license sticker (usually at time of license issuance). This sticker must be properly displayed on the vehicle per subd. NR 113.06(2)(m)1., Wis. Adm. Code.
Submittal of New Business Application Materials
The applicant must submit paper copies of the above documents to:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Septage Certification - EA/7
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921IMPORTANT: Completing and submitting the septage business application and appropriate fees are mandatory under s. 281.48, Wis. Stats., and ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. Incomplete applications will be denied in writing by the department. Failure to complete an application and receive a septage business license prior to septage servicing may result in stepped enforcement pursuant (example: issuance of citations) to ss. NR 113.14 and NR 114.245, Wis. Adm. Codes. See the Septage Enforcement section below for additional information.
License Renewal
Septage business licenses and vehicle stickers are valid for two years and expire on June 30 in every odd-numbered year. Please refer to the Septage Business License Renewal section below to learn more about septage business license renewals.
Septage Business License Renewal
Septage business licenses and vehicle stickers are valid for two years and expire on June 30 in every odd-numbered year. During odd-numbered years, all licensed septage businesses must renew their license. A complete renewal package is due to the Department by June 1.
IMPORTANT: The septage business license and vehicle stickers issued to all registered businesses reflect the date businesses and vehicles expire.
Septage Business Renewal Requirements
In the spring (typically April) of every odd-numbered year, the department mails a business license renewal application to each septage business owner. The renewal application contains the following information:
- Business license renewal application cover letter, and
- Septage Business License Renewal Application (form 3400-126 AKA 126 form) Note: This form is generated by Septage Operator Certification, and then mailed to the septage business during the license renewal period (~April of every odd year).
The 126 form requires the business owner to:
- Verify business contact information (phone number, email address, and/or mailing address);
- Verify vehicle information (license plate number, year/make/description, and tank capacity). Notes: This list must include all owned, leased, and/or shared vehicles operating under the septage business license. Any new vehicles must be properly registered; see the Septage Servicing Vehicles section above for more information;
- Verify that all annual reports have been submitted and certified to the department within the two previous calendar years; and
- Provide a list of all operators (including operators-in-training). Note: It is helpful if this list contains each individual's full name, operator certification number, and start date.
Septage business renewal applications (including applicable fees) should be mailed to:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Septage Certification - EA/7
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921IMPORTANT NOTES: Check or money orders must be made payable to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. An incomplete renewal application will delay processing and renewal of a business's license.
Department Review
In order to renew, a septage business license, a business must meet the following requirements:
- Pass a business Federal Employment Identification Number (FEIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) check. The DNR shall request a non-delinquency certification from the Departments of Children and Families, Revenue, and Work Force Development under ss. 49.857, 73.0301, and 108.227, Wis. Stats, prior to issuing a license, renewing a license, or allowing a business to designate a master operator as operator-in-charge (OIC). DNR submits a FEIN/SSN check for all septage businesses shortly before license renewal. DNR will coordinate with the appropriate agency if it is identified that a business owner is delinquent on Wisconsin taxes or court-ordered child or family support payments.
- Submit all required annual reports (Annual Land Application and Other Method of Disposal Reports) over the past two calendar years. The deadline to submit all annual reports is January 31 of each year (reference: sub. NR 113.11(3), Wis. Adm. Code). For more information, refer to the Annual Reporting section.
- Pay all renewal fees. Renewal feeds include a groundwater fee ($100/business) and vehicle fees ($50/truck for Wisconsin residents and $100/truck for nonresidents). In addition, renewal fees include a $25 late fee if the renewal materials were submitted after June 1.
- Verify Operator-in-Charge (OIC). The business must have a certified master operator to serve as OIC. For more information on septage master operator requirements, please refer to the Operator-in-Charge (OIC) section above as well as the Septage Operator webpage.
Once a renewal application has been processed and approved, the department renews the business license and mails the appropriate number of vehicle stickers to the business. The business now maintains the license until the next renewal date.
Septage Business Renewal Status Update
Due to the high volume of license renewal applications, the Septage Operator Certification Program recommends that businesses refer to the Septage Business Lookup (located on the main DNR Septage Business webpage) for updates to see if the business has been renewed. The lookup site may be updated several days before receiving vehicle stickers via mail.
Septage Operator Certification Renewals
For more information on septage operator renewals, please refer to the Septage Operator webpage.
Septage Related Forms
This section contains a list common septage forms. Note: The department is in the process of revising many of these forms to comply with the revised chs. NR 113 and NR 114, Wis. Adm. Code (register September 2021 and April 2022, respectively).
Septage Business License Related Forms
- Form 3400-020 Septage Servicing New Business License Application (AKA 20 form)
- Form 3400-126 Septage Business License Renewal Application (AKA 126 form) Note: This form is generated by Septage Operator Certification, and then mailed to the septage business during the license renewal period (~April of every odd year).
- Form 9400-568 Social Security Number/FEIN Collection Request
Septage Land Application Related Forms
- Form 3400-053 Land Application Site Request (AKA 53 form)
- Form 3400-122 Site Approval and Discharge Limits Form (AKA 122 form) Note: This form is generated by DNR Regional Septage Coordinator, and then mailed to the septage business following approval of the land application site.
- Form 3400-194 Septage: Farmer Non-Commercial Septage Operator Registration Application (AKA 194 form)
- Form 3400-245 Septage: Streamlined Sandy Site Variance Request (AKA 245 form)
Septage Storage Related Forms
- Form 3400-137: Septage Storage Facility Application (AKA 137 form)
Septage Template Daily Logbook and Invoice Record Systems
Note: Septage businesses are not required to use the below template daily logbook and invoice record systems. Septage businesses are encouraged to contact their regional septage coordinator to verify records comply with s. NR 113.11, Wis. Adm. Code.
- Form 3400-226 Septage: Portable Restroom Servicing Log (AKA 226 form)
- Form 3400-227 Septage: Servicing and Land Application Log (AKA 227 form)
- Form 3400-228 Septage: Servicing and Facility Disposal Log (AKA 228 form)
- Form 3400-229 Septage: Weekly pH Meter Calibration Log (AKA 229 form)
Septage Vehicle Related Forms
- Form 3400-019 Wisconsin Septage Servicing Licensee Vehicle Inspection Report (AKA 019 form)
Septage Enforcement
Enforcement actions follow the DNR stepped enforcement process. This process begins with the lowest form of enforcement appropriate for the circumstances and may be incrementally elevated to the highest level of enforcement, resulting in litigation in the courts.
Figure 1 shows the steps of enforcement action that may be taken. The level at which an enforcement action begins is case-specific and based on the severity of the noncompliant event. The stepped enforcement approach is a fluid process, and it is not legally required that all enforcement actions follow these steps in sequential order regardless of the current status or step of the process.
The DNR has the option of referral to the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) or citation authority under ss. 281.48(5s) and 281.98, Wis. Stats., and ss. NR 113.14 and NR 114.245, Wis. Adm. Code. A citation may be issued at any point within the stepped enforcement process. Environmental citations are essentially tickets for specific violation(s) to an individual or business. A conservation warden issues citations to the individual and/or business.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Enforcement. The US EPA also regulates the land application of domestic septage through 40 CFR 503. Nearly all 40 CFR 503 federal requirements are included in ch. NR 113, Wis. Adm. Code. US EPA operates independently of Wisconsin DNR and may investigate complaints and prosecute independently of Wisconsin DNR. Violations are generally subject to larger monetary penalties and may include imprisonment.
Operator Suspension
An automatic suspension of an operator certification results when individuals fail to obtain the required continuing education credits to maintain an active certification. Septage operators are required to obtain three septage compliance credits during the three-year certification period. Master septage operators are required to obtain three septage compliance credits and 15 general septage credits during the three-year certification period. Without the proper continuation hours, the department is unable to renew a certification for an individual and the certification lapses.
For more information on septage master operator requirements, please refer to the Septage Operator webpage.
Business/Operator Revocation and non-Renewal
There are numerous ways a septage business license or an operator certification can be revoked or non-renewed. These ways are identified in: ss. 145.20, 281.17, and 281.48, Wis. Stats. Business licenses can also be revoked pursuant to s. NR 113.05, Wis. Adm. Code. The department may issue citations to the business and/or responsible individual pursuant to subs. NR 114.14(3) and NR 114.24(1), Wis. Adm. Code.
DNR Septage Contacts
It is recommended that septage businesses reach out to the DNR Septage Certification Program Coordinator for questions regarding:
- septage business license issuance and renewal,
- operator exams and applications,
- operator certification and renewal,
- certified operator continuing education, and
- vehicle registrations.
It is recommended that septage businesses reach out to their DNR Regional Septage Coordinator for compliance assistance including, but not limited to:
- daily log and invoice system records review,
- management plan reviews,
- septage storage,
- land application site submittal and approval,
- land application and disposal standard operating procedures (SOPs),
- other types of disposals and/or issues with wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs), and
- annual reporting.
To provide timely customer service, it is helpful to identify the full septage business name and license number in all correspondence with the department.
Septage Certification Program
Taylor Schutz
Phone: 608-267-2300Regional Septage Coordinators
Region Coordinator Name Counties of Responsibility South Central Region (SCR)
Mailing Address: N7725 Highway 28
Horicon WI 53032Kassandra (Kassie) Schultz
Phone Number: 262-675 4072Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Lafayette, Richland, Rock, Sauk Southeast Region (SER)
Mailing Address: 1027 West St. Paul Ave
Milwaukee WI 53233Stephen (Steve) Warrner
Phone: 414-897-5771Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Out of State Business Northeast Region (NER)
Mailing Address: 3369 West Brewster St
Appleton WI 54914Teresa Hall
Phone: 920-841-6425Brown, Calumet, Door, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago Northern Region (NOR)
Mailing Address: 2501 Golf Course Rd
Ashland WI 54806Alison Canniff
Phone: 715-685-0450Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, Vilas, Washburn West Central Region (WCR)
Mailing Address: 890 Spruce St
Baldwin WI 54002Peter Carlson
Phone: 715-225-2209Adams, Buffalo, Chippewa, Clark, Crawford, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Marathon, Monroe, Pepin, Pierce, Portage, St. Croix, Trempealeau, Vernon, Wood