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Fox Illinois River Basin TMDL

A Framework for Water Quality Improvement

Fox River at Waterford

Fox River at Waterford

Fox-Des Plaines TMDL map

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), together with many partners, is working to improve the surface water quality of tributaries, streams, rivers and lakes within the Fox Illinois River Basin (FOXIL). To strengthen these ongoing efforts, the department will be developing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the river basins. The TMDL for this study area, referred to as the FOXIL TMDL, will be a multi-year effort to address surface water quality impairments caused by phosphorus and total suspended solids and sediment. The FOXIL TMDL study will provide a strategic framework and pollutant reduction goals for surface water quality improvement within the river basins.

The FOXIL TMDL study area is located in the southeastern part of Wisconsin. The study area includes the Fox River, the Des Plaines River, Nippersink Creek, North Mill Creek and Channel Lake watersheds. The study area is primarily located in Racine, Kenosha, Walworth and Waukesha counties. It is approximately bounded by Waukesha to the north, Lake Geneva to the southwest and the western portions of Kenosha to the southeast. The TMDL study area covers approximately 1,060 square miles within Wisconsin, which is approximately 2% of the state.

The project is currently in the TMDL development stage and will be developed in collaboration with stakeholders.

The TMDL process pipeline - Development stage

Informational Sessions

Upcoming Webinars

On Sept. 25, 2024, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is hosting a public informational webinar to provide updates on the DNR-led water quality study titled “Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids in the Fox Illinois River Basin” (FOXIL TMDL). The informational webinar will include an overview of the watershed model that has been developed and a description of the next steps for the project.

Webinar Details
Fox Illinois River Basin TMDL Project Update: Watershed Modeling
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 10:30 a.m.
Approximately 1 hour, followed by a question-and-answer session.
Register for the webinar.

Past Webinars

October 2023 Informational Webinar - Oct. 31, 2023

A public informational webinar was held to provide updates on the DNR-led water quality study titled “Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids in the Fox Illinois River Basin” (FOXIL TMDL). The informational webinar provided updates on the project including a summary of monitoring data collected for the project, an overview of agricultural land use and practices in the study area, a description of subbasin delineation for watershed modeling, and an outline of next steps for the project.

Project Introduction Webinar - Feb. 15, 2023

A public informational webinar was held to introduce the DNR-led water quality study titled “Total Maximum Daily Loads for Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids in the Fox Illinois River Basin.” This informational webinar provided an overview of the TMDL development process, the TMDL study area and the results of the initial monitoring efforts.

Project Overview

Maps and Spatial Data
