Please choose a category from the menu below for a listing of related organizations. Please note all links exit the DNR website. Links to publications and other educational resources can be found on our publications page.
Wisconsin organizations and agencies
- Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs)
- Environmental Resources Center (ERC)
- Wisconsin Council on Invasive Species
- Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin Extension Lakes
- University of Wisconsin Green Bay Cofrin Arboretum Center for Biodiversity
- Wisconsin State Herbarium
- University of Wisconsin Sea Grant
- Wisconsin Spongy Moth
- Aquatic Invasive Species Contacts
Regional organizations and agencies
- Great Lakes Information Network
- The Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species
- Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission
- Michigan State University Sea Grant
- Minnesota DNR
- University of Minnesota Sea Grant Invasive/Exotic Species
- Washington Department of Ecology, Aquatic Plant Monitoring
National programs and organizations
- Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health
- Habitatattitude: Protect our environment
- National Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
- Plant Conservation Alliance - Alien Species Working Group
- Protect Your Waters
- The Nature Conservancy
- Weed Science Society of America
Federal and international agencies
- National Invasive Species Council - A gateway to federal efforts
- USDA National Invasive Species Information Center
- USDA PLANTS Database- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- USDA Forest Health Protection- Invasive Species
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Invasive Species Program
- USGS Aquatic Invasives Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
- USGS Invasive Species Program