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Work Day

  • Event

    Work Play Earth Day


    Join the park staff and the Friends of Pike Lake as we wake up the park from the sleepy winter months.

  • Event

    Crex Meadows Earth Day Property Clean-up


    Join the Friends of Crex in celebrating Earth Day by participating in a property clean-up of Crex Meadows, Fish Lake, and Amsterdam Sloughs Wildlife Areas.

  • Event

    OutWiGo Volunteering: Trail Stewardship Day


    Help rangers clear woody vegetation along the mountain bike trails to maintain the system and improve user experience! Activities will include brush cutting and hauling; no experience is necessary. We recommend bringing water, lunch, bug repellent…

  • Event

    Work Play Earth Day


    Help park staff get the South Campground ready for the upcoming season.

  • Event

    Animal Feeding


    Come visit the animals as they eat their lunch.

  • Event

    Stewardship Saturday


    Join our staff to help remove invasive plants and keep the property beautiful for all to enjoy.

  • Event


    Join a community cleanup event to pick up trash along the Lower Menominee River at Menekaunee Harbor and the 6th Street Boat Launch on Sept. 7 at 9 a.m. to noon. Come for the whole time or stay just as long as you are able. Please meet at the…

  • Event



    Improve a wet section of the Orange multi-use trail which help prevent horses from sinking into the mud and hikers from getting wet feet.

  • Event



    Help us find and eradicate a recent nonnative invader in the park, Japanese barberry.

  • Event

    Stewardship Saturdays


    Join our staff to help remove invasive plants and keep the property beautiful for all to enjoy!

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