Meet our naturalist to walk to the beach bonfire while watching for dragonflies.
Join the naturalist for a slideshow and audio of the Great Horned Owl.
What has eight legs? Spiders, of course! Untangle fascinating facts about these silk-spinning insect-eaters.
The monarch butterflies are starting to migrate south for the winter, and it’s a perfect time for us to capture and tag them and record our results with MonarchWatch.org.
Join naturalist Phyllis McKenzie for an introduction to moths and insects of the night. We’ll see which moths and other insects we can attract or find after dark.
Journey over to the Naturalists booth to learn about who migrates, why they do it and where they go.
The monarch butterflies are starting to migrate south for the winter, and it’s a perfect time for us to capture and tag them and record our results with MonarchWatch.org.
Who are the members of this evening choir? Listen and learn about crickets and their noisy relatives.
Join Karen Oberhauser for a short prairie hike in search of pollinators, followed by a presentation about monarch butterflies.