Egg! Caterpillar! Cocoon! Butterfly! Come search our fields for clues to the exciting lives of butterflies.
Explore the wonderful world of spiders! Drop by the Exploration Station to play with spider puppets, take part in spider trivia, make spider webs, spider art and more.
Hartman Creek is home to many species of damselflies and dragonflies. Learn what makes them so unique, and so important.
What’s the difference between a butterfly and a moth? Stop by the park’s boat launch on the St. Croix River to see for yourself.
Join the park naturalist as she explains all about monarchs' amazing life cycle.
Learn about firefly facts and take an evening expedition in search of fireflies.
Stop by the swimming beach area at Lake O’ the Dalles to learn about Wisconsin’s pollinators during our statewide Pollinator Week.