Join Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary naturalists to learn about and meet some of their wild friends with a live animal encounter.
Want to try fishing but don’t know what to do? Join our Learn to Fish program, and we will show you how!
Join the naturalist for this guided hike to learn more about Devil’s Lake.
Join Tina Nebergall, a community herbalist and forager, for a plant walk to introduce you to the local plants around us that can be used for food and medicine.
Check out the spectacular world of foxes. Head on over to join the naturalist for hands-on activities and fun. This program’s activities are designed with families in mind but open to kids of all ages.
Join Wisconsin Master Naturalists Dennis and Diane Reynolds anytime from 10-11:30 a.m. to learn about owls and birds of prey.
Grab your project and meet up with fellow crafters at the Havenwoods State Forest Nature Center on the second Saturday of each month. This event is free and open to adult members of the public. All portable crafts are welcome - fiber arts, paper…
Start your weekend off right and join Certified Yoga Instructor Cherie Hart for a nature-immersed and inspired session. Her calming voice and demeanor will help you feel relaxed, rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.