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Educational Programs

  • Event

    Snakes and Reptiles


    Scales, fangs and eggs, oh my! Stop by any time between the naturalist table any time between 1 and 3 p.m. to learn about some of the reptiles roaming around Interstate Park.

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    Universe In The Park


    Join Theodore Peña and Allison Erena for a 30 to 40-minute talk and presentation about astronomy. Learn about current and upcoming celestial events and research, and then, weather permitting, view the sky through a telescope.

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    Bat Talk and Walk


    Learn about bats and hike to locate them at Ottawa. See the sunset while using bat sensor devices to locate bat sonar and search for bat habitat. We will begin with a small introduction to the local bat species and then hike out to try and find them.

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    Live Animal Encounter


    Learn all about our education ambassador reptiles and amphibians.

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    Havenwoods Animal Feeding


    Ever wanted to see a turtle eat? Or see a snake up close? Come visit the animals as they eat their lunch.

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    Live Birds Of Prey – Up Close


    Raptor rehabilitator and educator Jane Kelly, of On the Wing, will present a live raptor program.

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    Macroinvertebrate Pond Study


    Meet by Urban Pond to study the unique creatures that we can see with our eyes but often forget about.

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    Raptor Talks: The Great Migration


    Learn how migratory raptors prepare for their trip twice a year and what obstacles they’ll face.

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    Bumble Bee Brigade Training


    Join staff in learning about Wisconsin’s native bumble bee species.

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    Nature Explore Family Club


    Bring your school-aged children to learn what insects, spiders, snails and centipedes have in common.

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