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Arts and Crafts

  • Event

    Nature Craft


    Join the naturalist down at the beach for an outdoor craft making your own tree drawings, book marks and coloring pages!

  • Event

    Pinecone Bird Feeders


    Let’s make a treat for our feathered friends! Drop by any time between 2 and 3:30 p.m. to make a bird feeder to take home with you.

  • Event

    Kite Building Workshop


    Join in the fun of making and decorating a pocket sled kite during one of the workshop sessions, and then head out to fly the kite.

  • Event

    Kite Building Workshop


    Join in the fun of making and decorating a pocket sled kite during one of the workshop sessions, and then head out to fly the kite.

  • Event

    Nature Craft: Prairie Origami


    Join us for a paper crafting session inspired by Wisconsin prairie wildlife - let's explore nature through art together!

  • Event

    Open Crafting


    Grab your project and meet up with fellow crafters at the Havenwoods State Forest Nature Center on the morning of the second Saturday of every month.

  • Event

    Walking Stick Workshop


    Make your own hiking stick to hit the trails with!

  • Event

    Bike Week Commuter Station


    Create nature crafts and explore your creativity while fostering a connection to nature.

  • Event

    Learn To Fly Fish Session 3: Take To The Stream


    Get on the water and wet a line while learning to target and catch trout.

  • Event

    Discovery Day


    Join the Friends of Pike Lake as they celebrate the beginning of summer during the Wisconsin DNR’s Free Fun Weekend!

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