A female whooping crane that made history as the first of its kind known to survive a Wisconsin winter has once again flown into the record books.
An emerging disease is a disease that has recently appeared in a population, or one that is present in a population already but is rapidly increasing in the number of individuals affected or in its geographic range. There are many factors that can…
The restoration of turkeys in Wisconsin ranks as one of the greatest wildlife management success stories in the state. Absent from Wisconsin as recently as the 1970s, turkeys are now so abundant that Wisconsin spring turkey harvests rank among the…
Goals for wildlife conservation are the same for the future as they were in the past: protecting, promoting, enhancing and passing on our natural resources to future generations.
What to know before you callRehabilitators often specialize in one or a few species. If you're not sure what type of animal you're calling about, check the animal categories list below. Make sure the type of animal you're calling about…