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Wildlife Habitat

  • Event

    Hike With The Naturalist


    Head to the woods to see what treasures await.

  • Event

    Herb Hike


    Door County has a wealth of herbs that can be beneficial to your health and well-being.

  • Event

    Wooden Cookie Painting


    Create a series of three wooden cookies that show the life cycle of animals in the marsh.

  • Event

    Hike With The Naturalist


    Head to the woods to see what treasures await.

  • Event

    Naturalist’s Backyard Volunteering Days


    Help us maintain and improve the native biodiversity of our Naturalist’s Backyard area by removing invasive plants.

  • Event

    Nature Journaling


    Head out with the park naturalist and explore the world of nature journaling.

  • Event

    Hike With The Naturalist


    Head to the woods to see what treasures await. Trail and discussions will be determined based on conditions

  • Event

    Naturalist’s Backyard Volunteering Days


    Help us maintain and improve the native biodiversity of our Naturalist’s Backyard area by removing invasive plants.

  • Event

    Herb Hike


    Nurtured through pharmacy school and many years as an herbal pharmacist in his herb shop, he now finds his passion is educating people about the numerous and wondrous ways to use herbs for our health and well-being.

  • Event

    Nature Apps 101


    Whether it be about birds, trees, plants or insects, come learn about some of our tried-and-tested favorites.

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