The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds trappers to prepare for the opening of many furbearer trapping seasons across the state. Wisconsin is home to many furbearer species, and the state’s highly regulated trapping seasons play an important role in the DNR’s efforts to sustainably manage those populations.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the closure of the river otter trapping season in the Northern Zone effective April 1, 2024, at midnight. Trappers are projected to reach the statewide harvest quota of 2,500 river otters within the next week.
This is a public meeting of the Furbearer Advisory Committee, which addresses policy and technical topics relevant to the Wisconsin DNR furbearer program.
Find Properties Open to Public TrappingWith support from the USDA, the DNR partners with private landowners to lease public access to hunting and trapping habitats across the Voluntary Public Access (VPA) Program. Trappers can use the following…
If you successfully harvest a bobcat, fisher or river otter, you’ll need to complete additional requirements to register and/or certify the harvest successfully. Timely completion of these simple – but mandatory – steps will…
This is the second day in a two-day public meeting of the Furbearer Advisory Committee, which addresses policy and technical topics relevant to the Wisconsin DNR furbearer program.
This is a public meeting of the Furbearer Advisory Committee, which addresses policy and technical topics relevant to the Wisconsin DNR furbearer program.
The Furbearer Advisory Committee is a diverse group representing government agencies, non-governmental organizations, tribal interests and conservation groups. COMMITTEE MEETING INFORMATION The Furbearer Advisory Committee presents, reviews and…
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is now accepting applications for a special trapping opportunity at Sandhill Wildlife Area through Sept. 10.