This is a quarterly meeting of council representatives.
The NR 320 rulemaking committee will meet to discuss draft language for waterways structures.
The NR 320 rulemaking committee will meet to discuss draft language for miscellaneous structures.
The NR 320 rulemaking committee will meet to discuss draft language for shoreline erosion control structures on Great Lakes.
The NR 320 rulemaking committee will meet to discuss draft language for shoreline erosion control structures on inland lakes and flowages and rivers and streams.
The NR 320 rulemaking committee will meet to discuss draft language for bridges and culverts.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds all hunters and sport shooters preparing for the fall hunting seasons of a recent rule change that will impact target shooting within Columbia County.
The DNR will be sharing the concepts of the draft emergency rule WA-17-21E, related to disposal of dredged material from the Great Lakes by municipalities and counties, and requests feedback from all interested parties.
The Lower Fox River Basin TMDL Agricultural Implementation Committee is a stakeholder group that addresses agricultural implementation of the Lower Fox Total Maximum Daily Load.
This is a meeting of the technical team developing DNR Technical Standard 1072 Horizontal Directional Drilling.