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Forest Businesses

  • News

    Celebrate Wisconsin Forest Products During National Forest Products Week

    The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is joining a national celebration of forest products this week. National Forest Products Week (Oct. 15-21, 2023) highlights the value of forest products, their many contributions to society and the vital role they play in our daily lives.

  • Webpage

    Urban Wood Utilization Resources

    The highest value of an urban tree is when it’s living; however, if a tree is killed or damaged, there are many ways to recycle it. Urban wood includes logs, brush and chips generated from urban or community trees. Urban wood utilization is not a…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    BMP Advisory Committee Meeting

    Discussion around Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality and the current events that are impacting the forest industry with regards to water quality.

  • Webpage

    Wisconsin Local Use Dimension Lumber Grading

    The Wisconsin Local Use Dimension Lumber (WLUDL) grading certification was established under state statute 2007 Wisconsin Act 208. The purpose of this certification is to allow the use of locally milled dimension lumber in one- and two-family…

  • News

    Heather Berklund Named New Chief State Forester

    Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Secretary Preston D. Cole has appointed Heather Berklund as the department’s new Chief State Forester. Her appointment became effective Oct. 12.

  • News

    Celebrate Wisconsin’s Working Forests During Forest Products Week

    Gov. Tony Evers has proclaimed the third week in October (Oct. 18-24, 2020) as Forest Products Week. The week recognizes the people who work in and care for our forests, the businesses that create forest products and the many ways forest products contribute to our lives.

  • Webpage

    Forest Inventory and Analysis Highlights

    The Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program was originally designed as a periodic survey which inventoried forests one state at a time on a rotating basis. Beginning in 2000, the FIA program switched to an annual survey on a five-year cycle,…

  • Webpage

    Forest Products Staff

    Forest business staffAlex Anderson, Forest products specialist, TomahawkBrian Zweifel, Forest products specialist, DodgevilleElle Soderberg, Forest products specialist, Green BayVacant, Forest products specialist, Hayward

  • Webpage

    Forest Products Resources

    Forest products technical guidesGrade Sawing [PDF]Hardwood Grade Sawing WebinarEdging and Trimming [PDF]Edging and Trimming Webinar

  • Webpage

    Forest Inventory and Industry Trends

    This page contains information on current conditions and trends in the forest products industry and in the forest resources of Wisconsin. These reports are produced annually or periodically by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources…

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