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Environmental Protection

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    Remote Sensing: Frequently Asked Questions

    What is water clarity? Water clarity or Secchi disk depth is probably the most common limnological parameter measured in lakes today. The Secchi disk was invented by Father Pietro Angelo Secchi, an astronomer and scientific adviser to the Pope…

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    Remote Sensing: Resources

    The capabilities for the remote sensing of water quality at the DNR are tied to the availability of Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI-TIRS data through the NASA/USGS Landsat Program. This data is used for the operational satellite retrieval of water…

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    Remote Sensing: Research

    Remote sensing research activities at the DNR include:

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    Remote Sensing of Water Quality

    Remote sensing presents a cost efficient complementary approach for a more comprehensive assessment of lakes across Wisconsin. The use of remote sensing for the assessment of our aquatic resources provides several advantages compared to conventional…

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    Asset Management

    Asset management will help you manage, invest in and plan for your water system’s needs over time. It will also promote innovation, efficiency and foresight for your water system, as well as help you identify critical system assets and implement…

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    Vapor Intrusion Prevention & Partnership Toolkit

    Former Dry Cleaners - The Hidden Risk In the 1900s, dry cleaning (waterless cleaning of garments utilizing a chemical solvent) was a common business.

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    Wastewater Plan Review

    Last year, the DNR received a record number of Clean Water Fund (CWFP) applications and expects a similar number this year. Due to the anticipated number of submittals, if you plan to apply for a CWFP loan for State Fiscal Year 2025 and you have…

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    Groundwater Quiz

    Test your knowledge and have some fun. The answers are at the bottom of the page.

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    Sewer Service Area Planning

    Sewer Service Area Planning is a process designed to anticipate a community's future needs for wastewater treatment. This planning helps protect communities from adverse water quality impacts through development of cost-effective and environmentally…

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    Remediation & Redevelopment Program Public Notices

    Remediation & Redevelopment (RR) Program public notices and public comment opportunities are listed below. External advisory group meeting information can be found on each group’s webpage and on the DNR Hearings and Meetings Calendar. Find…

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