The City of Pewaukee is an applicant for funding through the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP) to address deficiencies in their public drinking water system. The project includes the construction of Well Station No. 5 treatment facility and building modifications.
The City of Amery is an applicant for funding through the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP) to address deficiencies in their public drinking water system. The project includes replacing aging water mains and all related appurtenances and laterals in the right-of-way on South Street.
The Village of Bruce is an applicant for funding through the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP) to address deficiencies in their public drinking water system. The project includes the destruction and reconstruction of well one and its chemical room, pump and storage area.
Manganese is a common, naturally-occurring element found in rocks, soil, water, air and food. Manganese is an essential element and is needed to form healthy bones, produce glucose and heal wounds. Small amounts of manganese are part of a…
Asset management will help you manage, invest in and plan for your water system’s needs over time. It will also promote innovation, efficiency and foresight for your water system, as well as help you identify critical system assets and implement…
A sanitary survey is an inspection of a water system's facilities, operations and records to ensure the delivery of safe and reliable drinking water. In Wisconsin, the DNR conducts routine sanitary surveys of municipal drinking water systems every…
On October 23, 2018, America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) was signed into law and is an amendment to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). As stated by U.S. EPA, AWIA "improves drinking water and water quality, deepens infrastructure investments…
Source water and wellhead protection
A sound plan has a to-do list that identifies a list of priority measures. The plan can be updated as actions are completed. Adopting a wellhead protection ordinance is the most fundamental protective action,…
Source Water Protection areas for public water supply systems using groundwater have been identified and delineated by methods that vary depending on system type. Groundwater Protection Areas exist for all public wells (Community and Non-Community)…