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  • Event

    Walk, Talk and Dance Like a Sandhill Crane


    Become a sandhill crane for a day!

  • Event

    Extreme Saturday Morning


    Calling all youth to explore the extremes of nature by participating in the Wisconsin Explorers program!

  • Event

    Ecology Hike


    Learn about the late summer environment on the top of Rib Mountain with a gentle hike by observing the rocky forests of the park and what’s in them, such as fungi, trees, and animals. Meet at the trailhead near the concession stand.

  • Event

    Bird Hike


    As summer fades to fall, walk with our naturalist at lakeshore state park to watch for birds.

  • Event

    Newport Wilderness Days (Day 1 of 2)


    This event at Newport State Park was started in 1992 as a way for the members of Newport Wilderness Society, the park’s official friends group, to showcase their beautiful wilderness park. Volunteers lead hikes and programs on Labor Day weekend,…

  • Event

    Community Campfire


    Gather around the campfire and meet fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

  • Event

    Trail Tales


    Explore the trails with the park naturalist.

  • Event

    The Chirping Choir Nature Storytime


    Who are the members of this evening choir? Listen and learn about crickets and their noisy relatives.

  • Event

    OutWiGo! The Trails of Newport Challenge


    Join the park naturalist on this weekly hike. All are welcome to participate, enjoying the health benefits of hiking. You’re encouraged to hike at your own pace.

  • Event

    Know Your Park


    Join the naturalist to learn more about Devil’s Lake.

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