This is a public meeting of the Furbearer Advisory Committee, which addresses policy and technical topics relevant to the Wisconsin DNR furbearer program.
The Small Business Environmental Council will discuss different rule packages impacting small businesses, hear about grant programs through BIL or IRA available to businesses and receive updates on staff projects.
This is a public meeting of the Lake Michigan Commercial Fishing Board.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds anglers of the new fishing regulations that go into effect tomorrow, March 1, on the St. Croix and Fox-Illinois rivers in northwestern Wisconsin and Waukesha County, respectively. These new regulations change bag and length limits for popular gamefish and establish a new fish refuge on the St. Croix River and another on the Fox-Illinois River
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds anglers that ice shanty removal deadlines are approaching.
This is a routine meeting of the work team developing the DNR Technical Standard 1013 for Enhanced Settling and Phosphorus Removal and 1014 Episodic Additive Dosing.
The DNR asked stakeholders to advise DNR staff during development of the proposed rules
The DNR asked stakeholders to advise DNR staff during development of the proposed rules
Agenda topics for the council include a presentation on the Chemical Upcycling of Waste Plastics (CUWP), DNR and legislative updates, discussion and possible action on legislation (Senate Bills 866, 876, 906, 721), recycling rule revision updates,…
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the Wisconsin Invasive Species Council will host a series of virtual information sessions regarding proposed revisions to the state’s Invasive Species Identification, Classification and Control Rule (ch. NR 40, Wis. Adm. Code).