The Migratory Game Bird Advisory Committee will meet to discuss a new draft of the guidelines, application and rubric for the waterfowl stamp grant process and other program updates.
This is a public hearing on a proposed rule, Board Order WM-18-23, relating to ch. NR 10 and the deer management assistance program.
The CWD response plan review stakeholder committee meeting.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will host a public meeting with the Pierce County Deer Advisory Council to provide information on chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin, local testing efforts and disease surveillance options being…
This is a public hearing on a proposed rule, Board Order WM-09-23, relating to revisions to ch. NR 12, and wildlife damage and abatement.
This is a public hearing on a proposed rule, Board Order WM-05-23, relating to revisions to chs. NR 10 and 19, and elk management.
This public meeting will discuss elk management around Butternut, Wisconsin, including elk and agriculture, elk trapping for collaring/relocation and elk monitoring.
The Wildlife Rehabilitation Advisory Committee will meet to discuss wildlife rehabilitation and SARS-CoV-2, and next steps for the committee.
Meeting to discuss Lake Poygan Breakwall monitoring, partners, funding and construction designs.
This is the annual meeting of the DNR's Ruffed Grouse Advisory Committee.