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Water and wastewater funding sources

The inclusion or exclusion of water and wastewater funding and technical assistance sources on this list is not meant to be an endorsement or condemnation by the Wisconsin DNR. This list of water and wastewater funding and technical assistance sources serving Wisconsin was compiled to the best of our knowledge. The information and links below are provided as an information service only. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from non-DNR sites. Note that many of the other non-DNR sites have their own resource lists that are worth exploring.

Attention: Contact the individual sources to obtain current information.

Funding programs for municipalities and other entities

The following water and wastewater funding sources are for municipalities, other entities, or both.

Clean Water Fund Program (CWFP) for wastewater and water quality-related storm water infrastructure projects.

Community Development Block Grant - Public Facilities (CDBG-PF) Program

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs

Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program

DNR Grant Programs

Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants

Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities (EC-SDC) Grant Program for Other-Than-Municipal Community (OTM) and non-profit Non-Transient Non-Community (NN) Public Water Systems.

Energy Efficiency Rebates and Incentives for Water and Wastewater Facilities

Federal Funding for Water and Wastewater Utilities in National Disasters (Fed FUNDS)

Great Lakes Water Infrastructure Loan Fund

Lead Service Line Replacement Outreach Funding Program

Lead Service Line Replacements

Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP) for drinking water infrastructure projects.

SEARCH (Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households)

State Trust Fund Loan Program

U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development programs available in Wisconsin

Underserved Drinking Water System (UDWS) Grant Program for Other-Than-Municipal Community (OTM) and non-profit Non-Transient Non-Community (NN) Public Water Systems.

Water and Environmental Programs (WEP)

Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program

Water and Waste Disposal Predevelopment Planning Grants

Water and Waste Disposal Technical Assistance and Training Grants

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Water Finance Clearinghouse "Search Funds" contains potential funding sources for drinking water, wastewater, storm water and other water-related projects.

View the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN)'s compiled list of water and wastewater funding sources.

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Funding programs for individuals

The following water and wastewater funding sources are for individuals.

Community Development Block Grant - Revolving Loan Fund Program (RLF)

Single-Family Housing Repair Loans and Grants, also known as Section 504 Home Repair Program.

Water Well Trust (WWT)

Well Abandonment Grants

Well Compensation Grant Program

Wisconsin Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources

Wisconsin Fund for Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (POWTS).

Technical assistance

The following water and wastewater technical assistance sources are for municipalities, other entities, and/or individuals.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding - Outreach and Technical Assistance Contacts

Capacity Development Program for water systems.

Financial Technical Assistance and Tools for Water Infrastructure

Lead Service Line Inventory Technical Assistance Program

Lead Service Line Replacements

Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP)

U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Services

wellcare® Hotline for questions about private well water and wells, and small well-based drinking water systems.

Wisconsin Partnership

Wisconsin Rural Water Association (WRWA)

Request Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) via the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Water Finance Clearinghouse "Search Resources" contains reports, case studies, and webinars about financing mechanisms and approaches that can help communities access capital to meet their water infrastructure needs.

Through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Finance Center (EFC) Grant Program, technical assistance providers will help communities develop and submit project proposals, including State Revolving Fund applications for Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding. The following EFCs serve Wisconsin:

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Contact information

Attention: Contact the individual programs to obtain current information.

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