Forest Fire Protection (FFP) Grant Program
Forest Fire Protection (FFP) 50% cost-share grants are available to Wisconsin fire departments and county/area fire associations. Grant funding is intended to expand the use of local fire departments to augment and strengthen the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) overall initial-attack fire suppression capabilities on forest fires.
The federal government changed the unique identifiers used for entities from D-U-N-S Number to the Unique Entity ID (UEI). You MUST provide your new Unique Entity ID on the Forest Fire Protection Grant Application. If you do not already have a UEI, register for one at Note, you must renew your registration annually in the System for Award Management (SAM)
See the following helpful links:
How to view the Unique Entity ID (SAM) for your entity
Do not delay obtaining your Unique Entity ID so you can meet the July 1st deadline. THERE IS NO COST TO OBTAIN THIS NUMBER. PLEASE DISREGARD ANY CALLS ASKING FOR PAYMENT.
**There have been MANY changes to the eligibility list this year, make sure you review the new Eligibility List BEFORE filling out and submitting an application** New FFP Grant eligible items include:
- AED defibrillator - one per fire department, per grant cycle to be kept on initial-attack off road vehicle only
$2,000 max, $1,000 grant funds. - ATV/UTV Safety Class - must be online or in person class listed on WI DNR Website ONLY Must submit invoice for class cost and safety certificate
- Tracks - aftermarket tracks for ATV, RTV, UTV. Max $5,000 ($2,500 grant funds)
Annual timeline
May 1 | Application period begins |
July 1 | Applications due |
Oct. 1 | Awards announced and grant projects begin |
Oct. 15 | Signed grant agreements due |
April 15 | Grant projects end and reimbursement requests due |
Who can apply
Eligible applicants
Wisconsin fire departments must have a signed and executed DNR Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Mutual Aid and Fire Suppression Services (Form 4300-061) Rev 01/2022. Please contact Cooperative Fire Specialist, Ron Schneider, with any questions about the MOU.
NOTE: If a fire department does not have an MOU on file, it may still be eligible if an MOU is signed and executed on or before the application deadline date of July 1st.
County/area fire associations must have a majority of the fire department members serving organized forest fire control areas designated by the DNR.
Fire Department M.O.U. payment rates (rev 01/2022) | |
Engines that pumped | $100 per hour for fire suppression $100 per day for prescribed burning |
ATVs and UTVs that pumped | $50 per hour for fire suppression $50 per day for prescribed burning |
Firefighters | $15 per hour for fire suppression & prescribed burning |
Fire department grant limits
- Minimum grant: $750 ($1,500 total project costs)
- Maximum grant: $10,000 ($20,000 total project costs)
County/area fire association grant limits
- Minimum grant: $5,000 ($10,000 total project costs)
- Maximum grant: $25,000 ($50,000 total project costs)
Eligible expenses - *CHANGES*
Eligibility List (This is not an all-inclusive list.)
Prioritized Funding Categories
- Personal Protective Equipment (must meet NFPA 1977 standards)
- Forest Fire Training
- Forest Fire Prevention and Wildland Urban Interface
- Forest Fire Suppression Tools, Equipment, Supplies and Materials (includes dry hydrant components and supplies for new installations only)
- Communication Equipment for Forest Fire Suppression
- Dry Hydrant Installation (costs such as excavation, site preparation, engine pad and signage)
- Mapping, GPS
- Off-road, all-wheel-drive vehicles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs, RTVs, UTVs) up to 5-ton capacity used primarily for forest fire suppression (vehicles limited to individual fire department applicants)
Application materials
If you are having problems opening forms, please visit our PDF Help page or try the following:
- Right click on the FFP Grant application link: FFP Grant Application (Form 4300-119)
- You should have an option to select either Save Link or Save target as
- Select whatever folder you wish to save it in. You might just want to use your "documents" folder
- File name will come up as 4300-119. You can leave it like that or change the name to FFP Grant Application
- Hit save
- Then go back into your documents (or whatever folder you save it in) folder.
- Once there, select the application pdf and you should be able to open it
- You can fill it out and then save it again to your computer
- Once you're ready to submit it, hit the submit by Email button at the top of the application
If you continue to have problems with forms, please contact the FFP grant manager.
- Grant Application (Form 4300-119) - must be signed and submitted by July 1
- Electronic submittals (email and fax) must be received by midnight on July 1
- Paper submittals (mail) must be postmarked by July 1
- **Email submittal is highly encouraged and greatly appreciated**
- Fire Department/DNR MOU for Mutual Aid & Fire Suppression Services (Form 4300-061)
Please contact Cooperative Fire Specialist, Ron Schneider, with any questions about the MOU.
Ordering From DNR's Forestry Equipment Research and Development Center Stockroom
Fire departments can purchase equipment from the DNR's Forestry Equipment Research and Development Center catalog. The catalog lists items available and prices (subject to change). DNR only sells equipment to Wisconsin government agencies and cooperating fire departments in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin fire departments that have signed suppression agreement with the DNR may order equipment and personal protective clothing through the center's stockroom in Tomahawk. A signed authorization from the DNR area forestry leader is necessary before a fire department may place an order directly with the Tomahawk stockroom.
The center will not do any special purchasing, but fire departments may order any items normally stocked by the center. These items can be picked up or shipped via UPS. However, UPS will not deliver to post office boxes and there will be an extra charge for shipping to residential addresses.
How to order FFP Grant Eligible Items:
- FFP Eligible Items Catalog - Note: Pricing is current as of May 2024. Prices are subject to change.
- Forestry Equipment Center Catalog Order Form - To use this order form, you must download or save a copy to your computer. After you save the form you can fill in the necessary information. We recommend you save a copy after you complete the form, then email a copy of the completed form to
Ordering by email is the preferred method. Complete the order form, save to your hard drive or print and scan. Send the completed saved order form by email to
To order by mail, print an order form and mail it to us. Our stockroom department will handle the rest.
Forestry Equipment R&D Center
Attn: Stockroom Order
518 West Somo Avenue
Tomahawk, WI 54487
You can also call our 24-hour fax line at 715-453-5998 and transmit your completed order form. Be sure to include your phone number, just in case we have any questions relating to your order.
If you are unable to email or fax in your order form, call us at 715-453-1257 (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST).
Reference materials
- DNR Fire Response Units (FRU) Map
- DNR Forestry Contacts
- Fire Department Wildland Fire Training
- FFP Prevention Flyer
- USDA-approved Class A Foams - Only USDA-approved Class A foams are eligible under the FFP grant program. Each of these products will be labeled as USDA-approved on the container. Be cautious of vendor claims of USDA approval without proof.
- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR Part 200)[exit DNR]
Award materials
- FFP Grant Procedures
- FFP Grant Award Checklist
- W-9 Form [PDF exit DNR]
- Debarment Form (AD-1047)
- Procurement Guide for Local Governments Receiving DNR Grants
- Sample - Class 1 Public Notice (for purchase of a skid unit)
- Smokey Bear Guidelines
Reimbursement materials
If you are having problems opening forms, please visit our PDF Help page.
If you continue to have problems with forms, please contact the FFP grant manager.
- Reimbursement Request (Form 4300-120) - must be signed and submitted with proof of purchase (itemized invoices) by April 15
- Electronic submittals (email and fax) must be received by midnight on April 15
- Paper submittals (mail) must be postmarked by April 15
- Trouble downloading forms? See: Troubleshooting tips
Program Grant Awards
Grant related statutes and administrative codes
Contact information
For additional information about the FFP Grant Program, contact:
Sandy Flesher
Grant manager
608-720-0122Ron Schneider
Cooperative forest ranger