Oliver Prairie
No. 58

Photo by Joshua Mayer
Oliver Prairie is an undisturbed, remnant dry prairie located on a west- and north-facing hillside on thin soil over Galena dolomite (limestone). This fact accounts for the prairie escaping conversion to agricultural land. Although very small, the prairie contains more than 70 prairie species including pasqueflower, shooting star, rattlesnake-master, coreopsis, wood betony, pale-spike lobelia, bird's-foot violet, asters, and goldenrods. Common prairie grasses are big and little blue stems, Indian grass, and side-oats grama. Birds include the common dry prairie species, western meadowlark and grasshopper sparrow. Oliver Prairie is owned by the University of Wisconsin and was designated a State Natural Area in 1967.
Green County.
Driving directions
Please contact the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum at (608)263-7344 for access permission.
Oliver Prairie is owned by: The UW Board of Regents