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Proficiency Testing (PT)

Proficiency testing samples are prepared by an approved, third party vendor to contain a known (only to the vendor) concentration of one or more target analytes.

Laboratories are required to participate in at least one single-concentration proficiency testing study per accreditation period (Jan 1 - Aug 31, for renewal) for each analyte or analyte group required by the department. For aqueous and solid matrices, laboratories shall analyze aqueous matrix (Water Pollution - WP) proficiency testing samples for each combination of technology and analyte or analyte group in a laboratory's fields of accreditation. For the drinking water matrix, laboratories shall analyze (Water Supply - WS) proficiency testing samples for each combination of method and analyte or analyte group in a laboratory's fields of certification.

Information for PT Providers on Submitting PT Studies

PT studies are submitted to the DNR through the DNR Switchboard, by PT Providers, using their WAMS credentials.

To obtain WAMS credentials follow the instructions here.

After obtaining WAMS credentials, PT Providers can login to the DNR Switchboard.

In order to upload PT Study results, you must have been granted the "Lab Proficiency Testing (PT) Report Submittal" role by the department.

  • If you need to be granted the "Lab Proficiency Testing (PT) Report Submittal" role, login to the DNR Switchboard, select the "Request Access" menu item, then click on the down arrow next to "Laboratory" and select "Lab Proficiency Testing (PT) Report Submittal". Finish the request by completing the remaining instructions.

After you have been granted the role, you are able to upload the PT Study results file through the DNR Switchboard.

To submit PT Study results, login to the DNR Switchboard, select "My Facilities & Roles", under the "Approved Roles" section select "Lab Proficiency Testing (PT) Report Submittal" and select "Lab Certification PT Reporting System" for your company. This will take you to the Lab Certification Proficiency Testing upload page.

Here you enter the PT Study Name and select "Chose File" to upload the file of your choice. Once the file is chosen select "Upload."

At this point the database will check the contest of the upload file. If there are no errors the study will show up as "accepted" in the uploaded PT files list. If there are errors, the first 20 errors found will be listed. Files with errors are automatically rejected. Fix the errors and try to upload the file again until it is successful.

PT Method Codes

Most PT providers offer either a "look-up" function (for online reporting of PT results) or a list of available method codes. Make sure that you are reporting a method code with your PT results, and that the method code you report is appropriate for your accreditation(s). The consequences are that you run the risk of not having one or more accreditations renewed annually, resulting in a potential lapse in accreditation.

Laboratories are responsible to report a correct method code for each combination reported. If a wrong method is reported the PT will not be acceptable and a new PT will be required.