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Red Fox

Keep Wildlife Wild

Red foxes don't live in dens most of the year, but they do modify an existing, abandoned badger or woodchuck burrow when it's time to give birth. Red fox dens can be in forests, ravines or woodlots and sometimes in urban areas and roadsides. They breed in mid-January and have 5-6 young called kits in mid-March. Kits start hunting with their parents when they're 3 months old and are ready to leave and be on their own after about 7-8 months.

Tip: Red fox kits may be seen outside of their den exploring or playing during the day, but their parents are usually nearby, usually out of sight and hunting for food. Observe the kits from a distance; if they seem energetic and healthy, leave them alone. Unless the kit appears weak, injured or alone and crying for hours or if you have reason to believe both parents are dead, it should be left alone.