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False Map Turtle

Graptemys pseudogeographica

grappseu.jpegPhoto Credit: A.B. Sheldon

Family: Emydidae (Box and water turtles)
Status: Common
Size: carapace: femal 5.5 - 10.75 in., m. 3.5 - 5.75 in.

The false map turtle is quite similar in appearance to the southern map. However, the false map lacks the spot under the eye on the lower jaw. Its dorsal keel is less pronounced, and the crescent or blotch behind the eye is often narrower. The lines outlining and connecting the dark blotch of each scute on the carapace may be slightly more prominent and colored yellow-orange. Strictly aquatic, the false map is another large river species.

False-Map-map.jpegSpecies range (darker) in Wisconsin

Their diet consists of insects, worms, crayfish, snails, naiads, small fish, and aquatic plants. Like all map turtles, false maps can be seen basking communally on fallen trees and snags. False and Ouachita maps are extremely wary, often fleeing at the least disturbance. The false map turtle is less common than the Ouachita map turtle.