Wood Frog
Lithobates sylvaticus
Family: Ranidae (True frogs)
Status: Common
Size: 1.5 to 2.5 inches
Wood Frog video [exit DNR]
The wood frog's dorsal color varies from pinkish-tan to brown with a very dark brown "mask" through and behind its eyes, fully encompassing the tympanum. The upper lip is lined in white. The dorsolateral fold is colored a light tan with numerous black markings along its length.
The wood frog's call sounds somewhat like a quacking duck. They prefer moist forests and large woods where an intact understory creates a humid microclimate. Like other early spring breeders, wood frogs usually breed in ephemeral (fishless) ponds created by snow melt and spring rains. They have the shortest breeding window of any Wisconsin frog, starting just after frost-out and lasting only about two weeks. Females usually cluster their egg masses together within a pond.