Northern Leopard Frog
Lithobates pipiens

Family: Ranidae (True frogs)
Status: Common
Size: 2.0 to 3.5 inches
Northern Leopard Frog video [exit DNR]
The northern leopard frog has a background color of green or light brown with scattered, large rounded brown spots bordered in yellow, especially on spots between the dorsolateral folds. Their ventral side is creamy white without yellow thigh or groin markings.

The leopard frog's call is a loud, broken snore, somewhat like dragging your finger over a well-inflated balloon. They breed in a wide variety of wetlands, especially in fishless waters, and they may forage far from water in old fields and prairies. Northern leopard frogs experienced major die-offs in the early 1970s in the upper midwest and the decline continues. Scientists have noted that they do not live as long as they once did (about two years versus 3-4 years) and appear to lay far fewer eggs than in the past.