Eastern Tiger Salamander
Ambystoma tigrinum

Family: Ambystomatidae (Mole salamanders)
Status: Common
Size: 7 to 11 inches
This salamander is generally black with variable yellow markings on its head, body, and tail. Newly transformed individuals sometimes have little or no markings on a dark brown background and sometimes have black spots. Some specimens appear spotted similar to the spotted salamander but many have larger irregular yellow blotches.

Tiger salamanders have deep costal grooves and five hind toes. The larvae are sometimes mistaken for mudpuppies, but mudpuppies only have four toes on their hind feet. Tiger salamanders live in a variety of habitats including grasslands, savannas and woods. They have adapted to living in agricultural and urban landscapes and readily breed in farm ponds. Adults and larvae eat almost anything they can catch and swallow, from earthworms and beetles to young rodents.