Switchboard Instructions, FAQ and Troubleshooting
The information on this page will help you use the DNR Switchboard and manage your Wisconsin User ID. If you need additional assistance, visit DNR Switchboard Help.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Switchboard?
The Switchboard is designed to be your DNR e-business homepage. You can see all the online systems and facilities which you have access to in one place. Think of it like a banking website where you can access all your bank accounts, credit cards and loans just by logging in once.
What is a Wisconsin User ID?
A Wisconsin User ID (sometimes called a WAMS ID) allows individuals to access many state of Wisconsin web applications using one ID and password. For example, a person can use their User ID to report employer withholding or sales tax to the Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue or to report air emissions or wastewater reports to the DNR for a company.
Each User ID is issued to an individual, not a group, business or municipality. The User ID and password is unique to you, no matter where you work, and is not to be shared with anyone. It is also tied to your individual email address so you should not enter a generic or shared email address.
If more than one person needs access to an online system, then each person should have their own User ID. Many User IDs can have access to the same facility and one User ID can have access to many different facilities.
Why do I need my own email address?
For security reasons, your User ID is tied to your individual email address. When resetting your password or approving documents, we may send an email that only you should receive. Shared or generic email accounts such as manager@company.com or townclerk@city.gov should not be used because many people may have access to them and could potentially access your account. Never use another person's email address to sign up for a Wisconsin User ID.
If you do not have your own email address, you can sign up for an email account with a free provider such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc.
Why do I need to request access?
We need to verify who you are, what you need to access and for which facility/company before you can use our online systems. We do this by asking for and checking your information, as well as making you sign a statement stating that the information is correct and that you are authorized to access the system.
How do I request access?
Access to systems and reports is requested through the Switchboard. Log in to the Switchboard, click the Request Access tab in the upper right hand corner, click the pink Request Role Access button in the upper left hand corner, choose your role(s)/report(s), find your facility and submit the request.
What is my Facility ID?
The Facility ID number, or FID, is a 9-digit DNR number that is found on many correspondences. All facilities have a FID. However, there are a few exceptions.
- Recycling Responsible Units should use their 5 digit DOR municipal code.
- Registrants for E-Cycling may enter their company's 9 digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).
- Licensed Septage Businesses must enter their 1 to 4 digit Septage Business License number. (Note: This is NOT your Operator Certification number.)
- If you are registering for the Asbestos Renovation and Demolition Notification System (ARDN) only, you may put your company name and address for the facility information and your zip code as the facility ID.
How do I select which systems/roles I need?
You should have received some information/instructions either from DNR or your workplace regarding what systems or roles you need to access. Please check those instructions for a list of electronic reporting systems/roles. However, you may choose any roles related to your responsibilities at the facility. On the Requesting Access page, you may click on the "i" icon for a full description of each system/role.
Why do I need to print, sign and mail the signature form?
The signed signature page guarantees your identity to us. We need this to comply with state and federal rules. If you do not return the signed form we must freeze your account. We will attempt to contact you before freezing your account.
If you forgot to print, sign and mail your form to DNR after initial registration or if your account has been frozen, log in to the Switchboard and you will find a link to receive a new copy. If we already have a signed copy on file, the date will be displayed under the profile tab and you do not need to print another copy.
When will I get access to the online systems?
It may take up to five business days to grant access. Response times may vary per program depending on staff availability. If questions arise, you will be contacted at the email you provided.
Who else has access?
Once you log in to the Switchboard, you will be able to see who else has access to a company/facility by going to the My Facilities & Roles tab. Click on the name of your facility under the Approved Facility list and scroll to the bottom.
What is an e-signature?
An e-signature is a secure electronic signature that guarantees information about the signatory (user authentication) and the document (data integrity), which can be upheld in legal challenges (non-repudiation). In the e-signature process, an electronic receipt is created to prove who signed the document, what type of document was signed, when the document was signed and more. It is not a scan or picture of an actual signature placed on a document.
The DNR's e-signature process was approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and meets the requirements of the state and federal government.
Who can use e-signature services?
Any customer that needs to sign legally binding documents may be able to use e-signatures. If you had to sign paper forms in the past, you might now be able to sign the documents electronically when it is offered by DNR.
In some cases, the person uploading the form/document to DNR’s online reporting system will be different from the person who needs to sign the form/document. The signatory is determined by the requirements for each type of document. If the signatory is different from the person who uploaded the document, the signatory will also need access to the DNR’s online reporting system (Switchboard).
How do I sign up for e-signature?
To use e-signature, each user must have completed the Wisconsin User ID process, which includes:
- signing up for a Wisconsin User ID (which is unique to the user, not the facility); and
- mailing a hard copy ink-signed Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) to the DNR.
Note: Users who signed up in the past were required to sign an ESA, and do not need to request another copy. These users should contact the program they are reporting to by going to DNR Switchboard Help and ask for the signatory role.
The ESA confirms the user's consensus that the User ID credentials on the ESA belong to him/her and he/she will not share the credentials with others. An ESA form unique to each user will be generated as part of the User ID sign-up process and will be emailed to each user. The form will be provided only once and should be printed when received, signed and mailed to the DNR.
I forgot my User ID or password
After several incorrect password attempts, your account will become locked. If you can't remember your User ID or password, there are two options to help you get back online.
- Try this Account Recovery option first. You may enter either your User ID or email address. You should not enter both. You will receive an email with a link, and then you will need to answer your secret question correctly.
- If you tried Account Recovery but either do not receive the emailed link or you cannot remember the answer to your secret question, then the Wisconsin ID Support Center can help you. Use this Support Center form to enter your contact information (the required items are marked with an asterisk), then click the submit button on the bottom of the screen. Note that we have pre-filled some of the information to help route the message correctly. All you need to enter is your contact information.
I get a facility linkage error after I log in.
If it says that you are not connected to a facility after you log in, then we have not processed your access request yet. If you have not done so already, please click the "Request access" button. If you have already done so, please wait for a confirmation email from the program with whom you are working.
I don't see the facility or online system after I log in.
If you successfully logged in but do not see all the facilities that you work for, or if you are missing roles, please click the "Request access" button. If you have already done this, please wait for a confirmation email from the program with whom you are working.
I am having problems using an online system.
If you can log into the Switchboard but are having problems using one of our online systems, please contact the program with whom you are working. You can also visit DNR Switchboard Help.