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Wisconsin's Water Quality Report to Congress

Every two years section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act requires states to publish an overall report on the quality of all surface waters across the state. This report, called the Integrated Report of Water Quality, is submitted to the EPA on April 1 of every even-numbered year.

Wisconsin's 2024 Report to Congress

Wisconsin's Water Quality Report to Congress 2024 was created based on water quality monitoring and restoration work done from 2021 – 2022. The Water Quality Report to Congress, Water Condition Lists, DNR response to public comments, and public comments on the draft Water Condition Lists were all submitted to the EPA on April 1, 2024. Below are copies of these documents:

Report pieces:

The EPA approved Wisconsin's submittal on April 29, 2024. Below are copies of the approval documents:

2024 Water Quality Report Key Points

  • 82% of evaluated waters are healthy, by waterbody/assessment unit (AU) count (see Figure 2 below).
  • 85 listings on 83 waters were added to the Impaired Waters List and Restoration Waters List.
  • Top three newly listed pollutants: phosphorus (43%), aquatic plants (19%) and PFOS (11%).
  • 38 listings were removed; 88 prior listings and 3 new listings were covered by the newly approved Northeast Lakeshore TMDL.
Two pie charts illustrating two assessment units. The first pie chart shows all assessed waters, with 82% categorized as attaining, 13% as impaired, and 5% as restoration. The second pie chart illustrates subset with pollutants with 74% categorized as impaired and 26% as restoration.

Figure 2. Percentage of assessed AUs on each list. Of the AUs with a pollutant listing, 26% have a restoration plan (up 3% since the 2022 cycle).

Historical reports to Congress

Wisconsin's 2022 Water Quality Report to Congress
2022 Water Quality Report Executive Summary

Wisconsin’s 2020 Water Quality Report to Congress
2020 Water Quality Report Executive Summary

Wisconsin’s 2018 Water Quality Report to Congress
2018 Water Quality Report Executive Summary

Wisconsin’s 2016 Water Quality Report to Congress
2016 Water Quality Report Executive Summary

Wisconsin’s 2014 Water Quality Report to Congress
2014 Water Quality Report Executive Summary

Wisconsin Water Quality Report to Congress – Year 2012

2010 Wisconsin Water Quality Report to Congress

No Report to Congress

Wisconsin 2006 Water Quality Assessment Report to Congress
2006 Wisconsin Water Quality Report to Congress – Executive Summary

Wisconsin Water Quality Assessment Report to Congress 2004

Wisconsin Water Quality Assessment Report to Congress 2002

Earlier reports are not available in digital format. If you would like to a copy of one of these reports, contact Ashley Beranek.