DNR Disability Advisory Council
Open the Outdoors
The purpose of the Disability Advisory Council is to:
- advise the Department of Natural Resources on matters pertaining to the accessibility of all department programs and services by physically challenged persons;
- identify and evaluate needs of physically challenged persons and communicate them to the department;
- advance research and design, policy and legislative changes to improve accessibility of agency programs and properties; and
- communicate with individuals and other organizations and agencies with similar purposes in a collaborative process to improve accessibility.
Council Information
The Disability Advisory Council (DAC) consists of nine people appointed by the DNR Secretary. Council members represent a variety of disabilities and geographic areas of the state and meet on a quarterly basis.
Council Charter
Council name
The State of Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources, Disability Advisory Council.
Council purpose
To advise the Department of Natural Resources on matters pertaining to the accessibility of all department programs and services by persons with disabilities.
- To draft recommendations to the department for legislation, administrative rules, or department policy.
- To identify and evaluate needs of persons with disabilities and to communicate them to the department.
- To help to increase public awareness and sensitivity to the needs of persons with disabilities.
- To communicate with individuals and other organizations dedicated to similar purposes.
DNR liaison
The secretary of the department shall appoint a department liaison. The liaison shall be a representative of the department and shall bring to the council issues that require council advice or recommendations. The liaison shall be responsible for reporting activities of the council to the secretary and to inform the council of department policies and procedures.
The liaison shall keep minutes of each meeting and ensure arrangements for meeting locations, press releases and other housekeeping needs. Meeting minutes shall be reviewed by the council chair prior to submission to the secretary.
The liaison shall inform the council of department reactions to council recommendations.
Meeting schedule
The council shall meet to deal with timely, pending and important concerns and will meet at least twice annually but not more than four times per year. At its first meeting of each calendar year, the council shall establish a tentative meeting schedule for that year.
The council shall consist of nine persons appointed by the department secretary, to three year terms. Each term will be concurrent with the calendar year and will be arranged so that three terms expire at the end of each calendar year.
Council members shall represent a variety of disabilities and geographic areas of the state. Members shall be persons who have disabilities, represent organizations serving persons with disabilities, or have expertise in disability-related areas. At least one member shall qualify to obtain a permit for persons with disabilities as provided in Section 29.09, Wis. Stats.
At the first meeting of each calendar year, the council shall elect from its members a chairperson and a vice chairperson for a one-year term. The chairperson, or the vice chairperson if the chairperson is absent, shall consult with the department liaison to prepare the agenda and will conduct council meetings.
Member participation
Regular attendance at council meetings is required for all members. Council members may be excused by notifying the chairperson or department liaison in advance. Any council member may lose his or her membership if he or she has frequent unexcused absences.
Members may choose to have non-voting representatives attend council meetings in their place if the need arises.
Alternative ways for members to participate, such as phone conferencing, will be allowable.
Any council member may resign by notifying the chairperson in writing.
A simple majority of members constitutes a quorum. All members shall have voting privileges. The business of the council shall be conducted by a majority vote of the members present.
Charter amendments
This charter may be modified by the department Secretary. The council may recommend amendments to the secretary.
The council consists of nine people appointed by the Department of Natural Resources secretary for up to three year terms. Each term will be concurrent with the calendar year and will be appointed in a manner so that three terms expire at the end of each calendar year.
Council members represent a variety of disabilities and geographic areas of the state. Members shall be persons with disabilities, represent organizations serving persons with disabilities, have expertise in disability-related areas and in outdoor recreation, and be Wisconsin residents. Most members shall qualify to obtain a Class A, B, or C permit. Members will have an interest in hunting, fishing, outdoor recreation, and conservation and may be involved in other state and national related organizations.
Membership Application - Form 9100-237 [PDF]
John Martinson, Chair
N330 Davidson Rd
Rio, WI 53960
Kirsten Engel, Vice-Chair
1647 Gammeter Rd
Verona, WI 53593
John Mitchell
8727 W Coldspring Rd
Greenfield, WI 53228
414-541-4505 (Home)
414-333-4745 (Cell)
Calvin Richtig
PO Box 11967
Green Bay, WI 54307-1967
Keith A. Pamperin
1499 Rockdale St
Green Bay, WI 54304
Lindsay Muench
W1933 Town Hall Rd
Campbellsport, WI 53010
Amy Carlson
5387 S Hidden Dr
Greenfield, WI 53221
John (Jack) Heim
5 S Kenosha Dr
Madison, WI 53705
John Fritz
27824 Nuthatch Rd
Kendall, WI 54638
johnfritz66@gmail.comMeeting Minutes
- December 2024 [PDF]
- September 2024 [PDF]
- June 2024 [PDF]
- March 2024 [PDF]
- December 2023 [PDF]
- September 2023 [PDF]
- June 2023 [PDF]
- March 2023 [PDF]
- December 2022 [PDF]
- September 2022 [PDF]
- March 2022 [PDF]
If meeting minutes from a prior year are needed please contact the DNR Accessibility Coordinator (contact information in sidebar).