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Allenton Marsh Wildlife Area


Allenton Marsh Wildlife Area is a 1,160-acre property in western Washington County. Bottomland hardwood, swamp hardwood, tamarack, and shrub wetland plant communities cover 80% of the property. Uplands are primarily tallgrass prairie interspersed with tree lines and young forest stands. Numerous small creeks, including Allenton Creek, a Class 2 trout stream, flow north across the property and join to form the East Branch of the Rock River.


Allenton Marsh Wildlife Area is a 1,160-acre property in western Washington County. Bottomland hardwood, swamp hardwood, tamarack, and shrub wetland plant communities cover 80% of the property. Uplands are primarily tallgrass prairie interspersed with tree lines and young forest stands. Numerous small creeks, including Allenton Creek, a Class 2 trout stream, flow north across the property and join to form the East Branch of the Rock River.


Tallgrass prairie uplands are managed using prescribed fire, haying, and mowing to enhance cover and forage for white-tailed deer, wild turkey, grassland nesting ducks, and ring-necked pheasants. Pheasants are stocked in upland grasslands throughout the pheasant hunting season.

Wetland impoundments are flooded and dewatered periodically to produce migratory stopovers and brood-rearing habitats for waterfowl. Forested and shrub wetland plant communities are largely passively managed.

Farmed fields of corn, sorghum, soybeans, winter wheat, and other crops provide forage and cover for a variety of wildlife species. Additionally, farming prepares sites for conversion to prairie or forest.


The Allenton Marsh Wildlife Area offers many recreational opportunities.

  • Birding
  • Canoeing
  • Cross-country skiing (no designated trail)
  • Fishing
  • Hiking (no designated trail)
  • *Hunting (Wheelchair accessible blind available)
  • Kayaking
  • Trapping
  • Snowmobiling trail (on designated trail)
  • Wild edibles/gathering
  • Wildlife viewing

Prohibited Activities

  • No target shooting
  • No blocking access to gates with vehicles
  • No stocking or releasing of any wild or domestic animals
  • No biking
  • No horses
  • No ATV/UTV riding or operation of other motor vehicles
  • No overnight camping, parking or open burning


  • Archery and firearm hunting and trapping are allowed in the wildlife area.
  • Pheasant hunting is prohibited in the afternoon, beginning the third day of the season and continuing through November 3.
  • Portable stands and artificial blinds may be used but must be completely removed from the property each day at the close of hunting hours.
  • Refuges "Closed Area" boundaries are posted with yellow signs. No hunting or trapping is permitted in these areas. Walk-through is permitted on state land within a closed area provided all bows are unstrung or cased, and all firearms are unloaded and cased. Do not enter private land without permission (including retrieving game).


  • Bathroom - none.
  • Parking lot - there are seven parking areas throughout the property.
  • Campground and size - none.
  • Trails, Types and Lengths - non-designated only.
  • Other amenities - wheelchair-accessible hunting/wildlife viewing blind.


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