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Paul J. Olson Wildlife Area

Group of prairie chickens in a field during sunset with a barn in the background at Paul J Olsen Wildlife Area.
Photo Credit: Lesa Kardash, Wisconsin DNR

Paul J. Olson Wildlife Area is a 3,433-acre property. Scattered parcels are located in northwestern Portage and eastern Wood counties, ranging from 40 to 860 contiguous acres.

The property is dominated by surrogate grasslands consisting of non-native cool season species such as timothy, orchard grass, and smooth brome.  There is a significant amount of wetland on the property, including shrub wetlands of alder and willow, reed canary grass-dominated emergent marsh, and a peatland complex in the northeast part of the property dominated by black spruce and tamarack. Smaller amounts of upland forest, dominated by aspen and oak, are scattered throughout the property.

There are many bird-watching opportunities on the property. The property harbors a healthy population of Greater prairie chickens and other important grassland bird species including Henslow sparrows (state-threatened species), Short-eared owls, Northern harriers, Bobolinks and Eastern meadowlarks.

Portions of several streams traverse the property, including Bear Creek, Hayden Creek, and Mill Creek.  There are good fishing opportunities along these streams.  

Several small wetland enhancement projects have provided additional nesting and stop-over habitat for waterfowl species.  There are waterfowl viewing and hunting opportunities in several areas of the property.

The matrix of agriculture, woodlots, and grasslands within this area provides good opportunities for upland game hunting, including deer, turkey, woodcock, and ruffed grouse.

Management Objectives

Historically, land cover in this area was a mix of northern mesic forest and conifer wetlands. In the late 1800s, timber was logged to open up land for agriculture, which is currently the dominant land use of the area. Paul J. Olson, the father of the Dane County Conservation League, helped generate interest and funds in the 1970s to purchase land to preserve grassland habitat for the greater prairie chicken. The land is still purchased by the state and managed for grassland for greater prairie chickens and other grassland-dependent species.

Currently, Paul J. Olson Wildlife Area is managed to maintain and expand grassland habitat for the State-threatened Greater prairie-chicken and other grassland-dependent species. Grassland management activities include mowing of woody brush and invasive species, targeted herbicide application for specific invasive species, grassland planting, prescribed fire, conservation grazing, and sharecropping (hay and some row crop) to aid in control of invasive species and provide food for wildlife.

The property also contains a peatland complex in northwestern Portage County that features a Black Spruce and Tamarack Swamp and an Open Bog. This area supports rare species of both breeding and wintering birds.


The Paul J. Olson Wildlife Area offers many recreational opportunities:

  • Birding
  • Cross-country skiing (no designated trail)
  • Fishing
  • Hiking (no designated trail)
  • Hunting
  • Snowmobiling trail (on limited parcels)
  • Trapping
  • Wild edibles/gathering
  • Wildlife viewing


  • Bathroom - none.
  • Parking lot - there are currently two parking areas.
  • Campground and size - tone.
  • Trails, Types and Lengths - no designated trail.


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