Mack Wildlife Area

Mack Wildlife Area is in northcentral Outagamie County. The property is approximately 1,350 acres in size. The Newton-Blackmour state trail bisects the southern section of the wildlife area.
Once a glacial lakebed, the area is relatively flat and comprises marsh, aspen, swamp hardwoods, old fields and lowland brush. Soils are muck and a high-water table limits the vegetation types present. The dominant community is aspen. Also, there are bottomland hardwoods of red maple, ash, elm, shrub swamp, fallow fields, and some sedge meadows.
The Wisconsin Conservation Commission purchased all of the Mack Wildlife Area as a single unit in 1943. In the 1950s, share-cropping was conducted on a portion of the property for pheasants. At various times, short-level ditches or potholes were created primarily for wildlife watering holes. Forest succession has since focused management away from pheasants towards other species. The Mack Wildlife Area has currently managed to maintain bottomland hardwoods, aspen, shrub swamp, and grassland areas for wildlife.
Find Mack Wildlife Area 2 miles east of Shiocton on Highway 54. There are two parking areas available for the wildlife area located off Herman Road.
Management Objectives
The Mack Wildlife Area is managed to provide opportunities for public hunting, trapping and other outdoor recreation while protecting the qualities of the native communities and associated species found on the property. Bottomland hardwoods are maintained by favoring silver maple and swamp white oak while retaining other native tree and understory species. The aspen cover type is maintained where currently found through timber management. Grassland and shrub-carr habitats are maintained and improved through mowing and prescribed fire.
For more information on master planning for this and other wildlife areas around the state, visit the property planning page.
The Mack Wildlife Area offers many recreational opportunities:
- Birding
- Cross-country skiing (no designated trail)
- Hiking (no designated trail)
- Hunting (noted for deer)
- Trapping
- Snowmobiling trail
- Wild edibles/gathering
- Wildlife viewing
- The Newton-Blackmour state trail bisects the southern section of the wildlife area. Adjacent to Mack, is a 480-acre property formerly owned by DOT. It is now owned by the DNR and is known as the D.W. Bergstrom III Memorial Waterfowl Complex. It provides excellent viewing of migrating waterfowl and other waterbirds.
- Bathroom - none.
- Parking lot - There are two parking areas.
- Campground and size - none.
- Trails, Types and Lengths - none.
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