Burlington Wetland Area
The Burlington Wetland Area is a 160-acre property located 3.5 miles southeast of Burlington in Racine County, 2 miles south of Highway 142 on Hoosier Creek Road. Habitat on the property consists is a mixture of marsh, lowland shrub, cool season grasses, upland shrub and small, scattered woodlots. A Fox River tributary runs through the middle of the property. Recreational opportunities exist for deer and waterfowl hunting and wildlife viewing.
Due to the wet nature of the property, habitat management is limited to invasive plant management and spot brush mowing in upland areas.
Management Objectives
Burlington Wildlife Area is identified as place for managing high-quality wetland communities of statewide significance within the Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape according to Wisconsin's Wildlife Action Plan [PDF]. It is managed to provide opportunities for public hunting, fishing, trapping and other outdoor recreation while protecting the qualities of the unique native communities and associated species found on the property. Grasslands are managed and maintained through prescribed burning, mowing and herbicide use to limit brush encroachment and encourage vigorous grasslands. Wetlands are managed through limited disturbance to prevent the spread of reed canary grass. Shelterwood harvest and thinning improvement cuts are used to maintain and regenerate oak and central hardwoods. Populations of invasive species are controlled or eliminated by cutting, pulling, burning, herbicide treatment and/or bio-control.
The Burlington Wetland Area offers many recreational opportunities:
- Birding;
- Hunting;
- Trapping;
- Canoeing; and
- Wildlife viewing.
If you are interested in exploring this property further, you can access an interactive map.
Find out more about how to adopt this wildlife area.